[5e] Ghosts of Saltmarsh (Inactive)

Game Master Jubal Breakbottle

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High Elf |Wizard 5th|CG|HP:30/35HD:6d6+2|AC:13/16(MA16/19)|Init:+3|S-1 D+3 C+2 I+6 W+3 Ch+0|SpAtt+6 DC14|BladeSong 3/3|1st-3/4 2nd-3/3-3rd-3/3

I suggest we use flour or other dust like things to throw about and see if we can find any foot prints ect.

* Saltmarsh *


Please let’s not plan this to death. Post what your character is doing. Drusilla and Blacklock are looting the smuggling cache. Badger and Kwin are on the main deck tying up survivors. Tarn and Argyri are helping Badger and Kwin due to a lack of any other actions.

I am tracking time such that I can.


I didn't think of it at the time, but XGtE has some spell identification rules.

As a wizard, you get advantage to the intelligence Arcana check to ID other wizards casting spells. In combat it takes a reaction. The DC is 15+spell level.

Wondering if it was invisibility or something like misty step.

* Saltmarsh *
Blacklock wrote:

I didn't think of it at the time, but XGtE has some spell identification rules.

As a wizard, you get advantage to the intelligence Arcana check to ID other wizards casting spells. In combat it takes a reaction. The DC is 15+spell level.

Wondering if it was invisibility or something like misty step.

OK Spell-casters, make some rolls. Drusilla gets advantage


CG M Elf Cleric 5 | AC 16 (18w/shield) | Init: +3 | HP 14/38 | 1st 1/4, 2nd 1/3 3rd 1/2 Ch 1/1 | HD 5/1d8 | PasPer 17 |

I'm thinking we have someone go up the mast to watch for signs of the wizard going off the ship. Then have two or three folks go below and do a systematic search while the others stay on deck in case he gets flushed out or shows himself.

Any thoughts?

Sounds fine to me, only thing I can add is that someone with Darkvision be the one in the crows nest. I think its still very dark.

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Male Forest Gnome Ranger 6 HP 36/49 | AC 16 |Hit Dice 4/4d10 |Init. +4 | Speed/Swim 25ft| Passive Perception 12

Perhaps the misty step was too the crows nest. LOL

Planning takes time at the table. It takes forever in PBP.

At the moment if Badger finds a way below deck in the front of the deck he is going to call out and go. Unless an event or some RP reason stops him.

My thinking is that if there are more than one way below deck. We already know one. So if the caster is below deck we are driving them toward one exit or the other whichever way we go down, which is also why he didn't want the cabin exit unattended.

Yeah that was my first thought, Blacklock perception checked up there with a decent result.

* Saltmarsh *

The map is fully visible in the link under my profile.

All doors are shown.

Male Forest Gnome Ranger 6 HP 36/49 | AC 16 |Hit Dice 4/4d10 |Init. +4 | Speed/Swim 25ft| Passive Perception 12

LOL thank you for that kick.

Hmm yeah, I mean absent any other perceptible clues we'll just go door to door until they are found.

Sheet Half-elf Rogue (Swashbuckler) 42/42 HP 16 AC DEX,INT 2x:Init+7 P.Per 14, Insight 14, Invest 9 darkvision 2x:initiative, stealth, charmed, ∅:sleep

Hey yall, we're on our way to a family camping adventure in Sleeping Bear Dunes (which I haven't been to since I was a kid; it'll be great to introduce it to my own daughter).

Not sure if we'll have any reception; depending on the answer I'll either post irregularly or not at all until Sunday.

Apologies for the interruption. Feel free to bot me as needed.

Male Forest Gnome Ranger 6 HP 36/49 | AC 16 |Hit Dice 4/4d10 |Init. +4 | Speed/Swim 25ft| Passive Perception 12

Have a great trip.

* Saltmarsh *

If I get some recognition to the search, I'll continue the search: the Hold, Bilges, and Officer's quarters.


CG M Elf Cleric 5 | AC 16 (18w/shield) | Init: +3 | HP 14/38 | 1st 1/4, 2nd 1/3 3rd 1/2 Ch 1/1 | HD 5/1d8 | PasPer 17 |

With Argyri's player on holiday, I hate to volunteer her for dangerous duty, but she does have the skill set to check out the chests for traps and hidden compartments.

* Saltmarsh *
Kwin Avassar wrote:
With Argyri's player on holiday, I hate to volunteer her for dangerous duty, but she does have the skill set to check out the chests for traps and hidden compartments.

I already volunteered her, disarmed them, and opened them for you.

* Saltmarsh *


You’ve searched almost the whole ship. You’ve just discovered an NPC prisoner to talk to. You have not searched the wizard’s quarters, the bilges, and where the wizard is hiding.

Party up!

High Elf |Wizard 5th|CG|HP:30/35HD:6d6+2|AC:13/16(MA16/19)|Init:+3|S-1 D+3 C+2 I+6 W+3 Ch+0|SpAtt+6 DC14|BladeSong 3/3|1st-3/4 2nd-3/3-3rd-3/3

Wait we know were the Wizard is? Is it the Crows Nest. Hmmm

CG M Elf Cleric 5 | AC 16 (18w/shield) | Init: +3 | HP 14/38 | 1st 1/4, 2nd 1/3 3rd 1/2 Ch 1/1 | HD 5/1d8 | PasPer 17 |

I believe we still need to check the bilge, the crows nest and the room next to the captain's on the main deck (which I believe is the wizard's quarters).

If the wizard misty stepped away, I am guessing he has to be in the crows nest.

Blacklock checked the crow's nest right off the bat, first thing.

High Elf |Wizard 5th|CG|HP:30/35HD:6d6+2|AC:13/16(MA16/19)|Init:+3|S-1 D+3 C+2 I+6 W+3 Ch+0|SpAtt+6 DC14|BladeSong 3/3|1st-3/4 2nd-3/3-3rd-3/3

I just know I want his spell book and components. Cause Spells and components are expensive and I'm just a simple Fisherman

CG M Elf Cleric 5 | AC 16 (18w/shield) | Init: +3 | HP 14/38 | 1st 1/4, 2nd 1/3 3rd 1/2 Ch 1/1 | HD 5/1d8 | PasPer 17 |

Scanning over the map, there is a rowboat stowed upside down. Could it be that simple? Could he be under there?

Sheet Half-elf Rogue (Swashbuckler) 42/42 HP 16 AC DEX,INT 2x:Init+7 P.Per 14, Insight 14, Invest 9 darkvision 2x:initiative, stealth, charmed, ∅:sleep

I'm back(ish)! Still on the road with family til Aug 30, but not camping anymore so should have time to post, most days.

Jubal, thanks for DMPCing me.

Hope yall are doing well.

* Saltmarsh *


You’ve searched almost the whole ship. You’ve just discovered an NPC prisoner to talk to. You have not searched the wizard’s quarters, the bilges, and where the wizard is hiding.

Party up!

Sheet Half-elf Rogue (Swashbuckler) 42/42 HP 16 AC DEX,INT 2x:Init+7 P.Per 14, Insight 14, Invest 9 darkvision 2x:initiative, stealth, charmed, ∅:sleep

Hey yall, I'm camping in Yellowstone National Park, today through Saturday. I'll catch up when I'm back!

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Male Forest Gnome Ranger 6 HP 36/49 | AC 16 |Hit Dice 4/4d10 |Init. +4 | Speed/Swim 25ft| Passive Perception 12
Blacklock wrote:
"Wait, wasn't the wizard bald?! Ha, he's wearing a wig! Nice try...but you'll have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool me!" ripping at the man's blonde hair like an idiot.

It's a Man Baby

Totally thought of this scene!

Hehe, yes that or the ending from Ace Ventura.

Male Forest Gnome Ranger 6 HP 36/49 | AC 16 |Hit Dice 4/4d10 |Init. +4 | Speed/Swim 25ft| Passive Perception 12

Assuming its reasonable for us to think we have searched everywhere and that maybe the wizard got away. Badger would recommend. Putting the surviving bad guys in a single place, tied up and under guard. Not going anywhere on the ship alone just in case we are dealing with an invisible wizard.

Sounds good to me. Even if wizard gets away, can't say we didn't try. Ready to move on to other adventures. :)

Blacklock's hand passes right though the smuggler's illusion of hair!

Haha, totally got me. XD

* Saltmarsh *

I've business trip starting tomorrow to Friday. Working long days with limited time to post. I won't be able update until Friday or Saturday.

Everyone please post this week.


High Elf |Wizard 5th|CG|HP:30/35HD:6d6+2|AC:13/16(MA16/19)|Init:+3|S-1 D+3 C+2 I+6 W+3 Ch+0|SpAtt+6 DC14|BladeSong 3/3|1st-3/4 2nd-3/3-3rd-3/3

Sorry guys I'm moving this week so I may not be as active until later next week

* Saltmarsh *

Hi team

Yes. You can have a short rest before docking the ship, but it won't matter. After this talky scene with the Town Council, we're going to 3rd level and downtime.

I want to give everyone time to Gameplay post and interact with the Councilors. Remember each of your characters is connected with at least one of them. It you do not remember, your connection is in the link in my profile.

Please let me know when you're ready for downtime. Don't know how long. Neither does your character. Plan accordingly.

EDIT: if you want to claim any loot. Please post in Discussion and link in your character profile.

Hit Points are minimum the class average as per PHB, and roll for more.


Lvl 6 Warlock Tarn Copperlocks HP (49/49) AoA (15/15) AC (19) Saves (5/2/4/0/2/5) Spells (1/2) Current Buffs ( AoA ) HD (5/5) Flight (3/3)

I’ll get a post up in a day or so. And will get the lvl3 ready as soon as I can

Did anyone make a loot list this run? That was a lot of stuff and I really just noted the stuff from the captain's quarters. I assume the King's stuff will be handed over...and maybe most of the other loot left as-is if we are taking the ship for ourselves.

3rd level: 1d8 ⇒ 5+1=+6hp

I wouldn't mind keeping one of the continual flame lanterns, or whatever they were. If possible, perhaps the heatless flaming element could be removed and worn as an amulet.

* Saltmarsh *
Blacklock wrote:
I wouldn't mind keeping one of the continual flame lanterns, or whatever they were. If possible, perhaps the heatless flaming element could be removed and worn as an amulet.

Sorry no. The everburning element is integral to the hooded lantern.

On the other hand, a tinker or smith might be able to constructively destroy it.


No worries, would still like to keep one in lantern form. Normally I'd say sell the others, but again if we are able to keep the ship they would be handy for foul weather.

Sheet Half-elf Rogue (Swashbuckler) 42/42 HP 16 AC DEX,INT 2x:Init+7 P.Per 14, Insight 14, Invest 9 darkvision 2x:initiative, stealth, charmed, ∅:sleep

OOC, feel free to squash Argyri's attempt to name the group. ;-)

I just thought it would be a her thing to do.

HP: 1d8 ⇒ 5

...and obviously, I'm going Swashbuckler!

I support the name, both IC and OOC. ;D

* Saltmarsh *

FWIW Argonauts were named after the shipbuilder Argus.

So, Saltmarshnauts? Marshnauts?

You're on the Azure Sea, so the Azurenauts?

The ship is the Sea Ghost, so the Ghostnauts?

Cheers ;D

* Saltmarsh *
Blacklock wrote:
No worries, would still like to keep one in lantern form. Normally I'd say sell the others, but again if we are able to keep the ship they would be handy for foul weather.

I thought so too, that's why I changed all of the regular lanterns on the ship to Everburning hooded lanterns.


Lvl 6 Warlock Tarn Copperlocks HP (49/49) AoA (15/15) AC (19) Saves (5/2/4/0/2/5) Spells (1/2) Current Buffs ( AoA ) HD (5/5) Flight (3/3)

Lvl 3 Warlock
HP: +4
Pact of the Blade
+1 spell known: Hex (simple damage boost and debuff)

Hex gives +1d6 necrotic damage and disadvantage on a single disability check. Anyone have any spells which require ability checks? If so please tell me what ability check you’d like debuffed

Invocations: Replace Beast Speech with Improved Pact Weapon

“Pact of the Blade
You can use your action to create a pact weapon in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it. You are proficient with it while you wield it. This weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.”

This is great as it gives proficiency. Will be choosing Maul, for that nice 2d6 damage. Goes from 1d10+5 damage up to 3d6+6 (with hex). So a nice damage spike.

* Saltmarsh *

@Blacklock. I’ll summarize the Councilor conversation with your Insight when everyone posts. Don’t want to get some players too far ahead.

On the other hand, I am providing the replies of actions that happened before docking, like finding spellbooks and discussing lizardfolk.

Hope that makes sense.


Ah, I see. I wasn't thinking in an organized manner. ;) That makes perfect sense.

If you do, one of you could play Oceanus

Hmm, have to admit that's tempting. But I think I like Blacklock, and anyways the sea elf is giving me mild Mr. Nimbus (he controls the police) vibes.

* Saltmarsh *
Tarn Copperlocks wrote:

Lvl 3 Warlock

HP: +4

@Tarn, your minimum increase in HP is 8 without rolling the 1d8 (5) +3 Con, right?

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Male Forest Gnome Ranger 6 HP 36/49 | AC 16 |Hit Dice 4/4d10 |Init. +4 | Speed/Swim 25ft| Passive Perception 12

If Blacklock leaves we can't be the "Face First" Mercenary Company.

Good point. Indeed I still contend putting your face on something generally solves the issue, whatever it is.

Male Forest Gnome Ranger 6 HP 36/49 | AC 16 |Hit Dice 4/4d10 |Init. +4 | Speed/Swim 25ft| Passive Perception 12

Alright in all or at least some seriousness. DM threw down the gauntlet. We were advised to form a Merc Comapany.

Argyri's Argonauts (DM mentioned where Argonauts came from. But we are also along the Azure Sea so Azurnauts is an option).
Tarns Tarantions (which lets face begs for the Tarnators)
Face First
The Ghost Guard (Famous for facing a haunted house and capturing a pirate ship called the Sea Ghost and it sounds like coast guard)

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