Beskar and the Mandalorian


Scarab Sages

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This week we celebrate the return of the Mandalorian with a quick retrospective and Starfinder stats for Beskar.

I don't know, in a Starfinder context I'd be inclined to say Beskar armor also provides damage reduction. Admittedly translation Star Wars conventions ( where most forms of armor seem to provide little or no benefit period ) is dicey.

Scarab Sages

Metaphysician wrote:
I don't know, in a Starfinder context I'd be inclined to say Beskar armor also provides damage reduction. Admittedly translation Star Wars conventions ( where most forms of armor seem to provide little or no benefit period ) is dicey.

I can see the argument for that, but I was trying to fit it into a space between adamantine and siccatite. Adding in DR makes it basically a better form of adamantine.

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Great stuff!

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