Scions of Domora


Hello, I have questions about Scions of Domora.

For the archetype, Familiar Master Dedication required.

Is it possible to have a tiny animal as a wolf or a bear ?

With the Scion of Domora Dedication, the animal becomes a spirit guide, so it has 3 abilities from specific familar instead the 2 abilities, is it right ?

Thanks for your future answer.

You can make your familiar look like whatever you want it to. A tiny size creature that looks like a wolf or bear should be fine.

The Spirit Guide familiar has an ability cost of 3. So that will remove 3 of your selectable abilities from your normal familiar's ability count (though you are able to reduce that number of abilities lost by taking the Improved Familiar feat). The Spirit Guide familiar does also provide three familiar abilities of its own that are not selectable: Independent, Lifelink, and Speech. It also has two special abilities: Spiritual Recall and Bound to Mortal.

Personally I would require you to be able to pay the cost of getting the Spirit Guide familiar in order to take the dedication feat - either by having at least 3 selectable familiar abilities (through Witch class, Wizard Familiar thesis, or the Enhanced Familiar feat) or have reduced the number of abilities that the special familiar costs (through the Improved Familiar feat).

Horizon Hunters

Waldham wrote:

Hello, I have questions about Scions of Domora.

For the archetype, Familiar Master Dedication required.

Is it possible to have a tiny animal as a wolf or a bear ?

With the Scion of Domora Dedication, the animal becomes a spirit guide, so it has 3 abilities from specific familar instead the 2 abilities, is it right ?

Thanks for your future answer.

As usual, please ask AP related questions, especially when relating to new content, in the specific AP forum, which is that way.

My aplogies, Cordell Kintner.

Spiritual strikes gives an additional 2d6 force damage. If your weapon has a major striking rune, this Strike instead deals 3d6 force damage.

This counts as two attacks when calculating your multiple attack penalty.

So, the character does the attack with a - 5 penalty, is it right ?

With spiritual flurry, the opponent is already flat flooted or become flat flooted if you hit ?

In addition, the additional force damage dealt by the Strike increases by 2d6.

So there are a 4d6 total force damage or 5d6 with a major striking rune, is it right ?

With spirit form guide, you can't use any other actions granted by this archetype.
You obtain :

An unarmed melee attack of the same type as your spirit guide (either claws or jaws), which is the only attack you can Strike with. You're trained with this attack. Your attack modifier is +29 or your normal unarmed attack modifier, whichever is higher.

Is it possible to obtain runes from handwrap of mighty blows oh this unarmed attack ?

Does a familiar share your space if a familiar is in a tatoo to obtain the requirement from a feat of a scion of Domora archetype ?

An human character with the multitalented (ancestry, 9th level) feat that chooses witch dedication gain a familiar.

So with the scion of domora archetype and the witch dedication, does the character gain the enhanced familiar or not instead familiar feat ?

Does it gain gains extra ability at 6th, 12th, and 18th levels with witch archetype ?

With master's form, a familiar gains a medium size instead tiny or not ?

I have a question about bound to mortal.

Your familiar gains unique benefits from its bond to you. Your familiar gains an additional 10 Hit Points and can make an either a jaws or claws unarmed attack using your normal melee attack bonus. You choose whether it has a jaws or claws unarmed attack when you first gain the spirit guide as your familiar. If it has a jaws unarmed attack, the attack deals 1d6 piercing damage and is in the brawling group. If you choose the claws unarmed attack, it deals 1d4 slashing damage, has the agile trait, and is in the brawling group.

Normal melee attack bonus : level + proficiency (master) + spellcaster modifier score ?

Reach ?
bonus damage ? modifier strength or dexterity ? none ?

I am also scratching my head about "Bound to Mortal" and the familiar's attack.

I have no clue if / how this attack can gain in damage.

Is it assumed you can wear Handwraps and grant striking runes to the familiar's attacks?

If this attack is forever stuck at 1d_, I suppose At the very least, this would enable a familiar to threaten squares and toss items to party members via the Remastered Interact actions, but I have a tough time presuming that "using your normal melee attack bonus" would also mean it get to benefit from your Handwrap Runes.

The familiar "can make an unarmed attack using your melee attack." I took this to mean the attack bonus is the same as your [u]melee[/u] attack. Most likely this means level+ proficiency+ strength. As an unarmed attack Dex could be argued, but finesse is not listed (where it is on other unarmed attacks like fist.)
Handwraps can be applied (unless familiars & companions are restricted from using those elselwhere???)[/i]. So you can add item bonus to that. In my case my GM would allow it (though we are using the weapon progression alternate rule so maybe not a great example).

As written it has a reach of 0 feet (because reach is blank and zero feet is the default reach for tiny creatures).

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