Looking for Players for Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker in Portland Oregon

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Verdant Wheel

DISCLAIMER: I could not find a recruitment section in the forums for offline groups/sessions, so I am posting it here, if anyone knows a better place to post this please let me know. Thank you.

Greetings Fellow Gamers,

Do you like Pathfinder 2E but can't find a group in the Portland-Metro area? Are you sick and tired of playing virtual TTRPG sessions? Do you miss the comradery and tactile feel of your RPG's? Well you are in luck... I am starting a new campaign for Pathfinder 2E. I am looking for 3 to 4 permanent players for an ongoing Adventure Path. The game will be in person and located in the SE Portland region. The sessions will be held on Friday evenings either weekly or every other week depending on people's schedules. The exact time has yet to be determined, however most likely from 6/7pm to 11pm-12am. I will be running the 2E version of Kingmaker. I am looking for well rounded players who love a bit of Role-Playing as well as plenty of Roll-Playing. Action as well as a good Story are the key components to any good session. I prefer experienced gamers and veterans, but newbies are also welcome. If you are new, please make every effort to learn the rules prior to joining the group, there are many resources online. Once I receive enough responses and confirm with each person I will hold a Session 0 in a location TBD.

A little bit about me. I have been playing TTRPG's since I was very young. It has been a hobby of mine for as long as I can remember. I have lived in the Portland area for about 15 years now and have been in several groups during that time. Unfortunately the lockdowns forced a lot of people to transition to virtual platforms. I personally am not a fan of the virtual platform and now that things have somewhat returned to normal I am endeavoring once again to get a solid group together that like to play at the table as the game was intended. I am a Musician/Metalhead/Gamer/Geek. I love a good story, solid RP and character development, as well as good character chemistry, and plenty of intrigue and problem solving in the games I am in. I am always a fan of laughing and goofing around at the table, but when the time comes to focus in and play the game I take it very seriously. We are all here to have fun so let's have fun together.

Please respond to this post or send me a private message if you are interested. We can exchange information and get in contact.

In March 2020 I switched from running my campaign in person in upstate New York to running via Roll20 due to the pandemic. I gained a new player in Seattle, Washington, and later gained two more players who currently live in Hillsboro, Oregon, west of Portland. I will drop them a note.

Unfortunately, my game is Friday evenings, too. Except that over in the Pacific time zone, it is Friday afternoon. Maybe there won't be a conflict.

I received a reply. Both are already overbooked.

Verdant Wheel

Mathmuse wrote:
I received a reply. Both are already overbooked.

I really appreciate you going out of your way to do that, Cheers.

Verdant Wheel


We now have a group of 4 Players and a DM and will be starting on the 24th of March. We are willing to add more and still have room for 1 more player for anyone who is interested. Please message me if you are interested.

Verdant Wheel


Our group is now full.

Sovereign Court

Good luck on your Kingmaker game! Be sure to hang around in the Kingmaker 2e forum here so we GMs can pick each others' brains!

Verdant Wheel

1 person marked this as a favorite.
VanceMadrox wrote:
Good luck on your Kingmaker game! Be sure to hang around in the Kingmaker 2e forum here so we GMs can pick each others' brains!

Aye will do. Our campaign is running strong, the party is about to hit level 7, most likely after their confrontation of Hargulka and his band of Trolls.

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