Curious about Transformers RPG

Other RPGs

Dose anyone have experience with the new Transformers RPG ( or one of Renegades other games using the same system, like GI Joe).

I kind of had a campaign concept pop into my head and I want to know if the system is fun or if I should try to do it in something else like Cypher or Genesys instead.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm hoping the GI Joe book is currently under the Christmas tree in my house. If not then I will buy it myself and can let you know what I think of it after reading it.

System seems interesting. Similar to D20 like Pathfinder and D&D only instead of static bonus the Skills give you extra Dice to add to the roll. So if you have a Rank 3 in shooting you would roll 1d20+1d6 when you shoot.
There seems to be a rule that moves that extra dice up or down as a modifier

In fact the system seems very against Static modifiers in general.

As I suspected I now have the Transformers RPG as a fresh from under the tree Christmas gift.

Book is nice, system seems fairly solid, some familiarity and some new ideas. Skill system is interesting.

In Pathfinder terms; Imagine if instead of Skill Points per level for your class, you got Your attribute Bonus as Skill Points for the Skill tied to that Attribute

EX: you have a STR of 16, that gives you 3 skill points to spend on Climb and Swim, while your 14 Wisdom gives you 2 Skill Points to spend on Heal, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival. and so on with each Attribute

Transformers kind of dose it like that only there is only 4 Attributes and each one has around 5 skills. (and a Rank in a skill is a whole extra dice to roll instead of just +1)

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