How long does it take customer service to respond?

Paizo General Discussion

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It’s been a week since I emailed them about my issue
(got the regular edition Impossible Lands book but I am a special edition subscriber). I got the autogenerated response email with my service ticket number but since then nothing. Should I email them again? Just anxious the ticket might’ve been overlooked.

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Starfinder Superscriber

Well I emailed them on Friday and they replied today.

But it was a pretty easy fix.

Director of Marketing

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I can vary from week to week. We've hired more CS reps and already seen an improvement in response times.

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Thank you Aaron and Leon. I just got home from work and a response was waiting for me in my email inbox!

Everything is being handled very satisfactorily! I guess I get nervous when waiting but it sounds like my circumstances were a little more complex than usual.

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