Access to a weapon from adventure

Pathfinder Society


Hi, sorry if this is the wrong place. I spend all my time on the Rules Discussion board so this board is new and scary lol. I tried searching but the most recent discussion I found on this weapon is pre-PF2

I'm creating a monk character for PFS and I've always liked the look and style of the kusarigama in games and movies. I see on AoN that it exists in PF2, but was printed in an adventure instead of any of the rule or world books. I frequently see notes on AoN in weapon entries indicating that if a character's home region (or world traveler boon) is suchandsuch, the weapon is common and for the kusarigama it's "If the player character come from a region in Tian Xia, this weapon is common." But it doesn't include the "for PFS purposes" part I usually see. How would I gain access to this weapon for my character in PFS play? Is just having that home region enough with no ownership or play? If not, would owning the adventure suffice or do I need to play it with a character? If I GM the adventure, would that count?

4/5 ****

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A reasonable question, sometimes these things are hard to find answers for because the answers tend towards the specific.

Materials from Adventure Paths aren't generally legal in PFS without something specifically giving you access.

Generally either playing the Adventure Path (outside of PFS) or spending some Achievement points.

In this case the item exists on the chronicle sheet for #166: Despair on Danger Island so the way to get access is to play or GM that and then apply that sheet to the character you want.

4/5 ****

As a follow up Character Options is the page to find out what's available in PFS.

As you may notice Ruby Phoenix nor any other Adventure Path is listed there, meaning that no material from those are available by default.

Hopefully things are a little less scarry now and we can help you with your next question with less anxiety. Also welcome to PFS and don't hesitate to ask if you've got more questions.


Pirate Rob wrote:

A reasonable question, sometimes these things are hard to find answers for because the answers tend towards the specific.

Materials from Adventure Paths aren't generally legal in PFS without something specifically giving you access.

Generally either playing the Adventure Path (outside of PFS) or spending some Achievement points.

In this case the item exists on the chronicle sheet for #166: Despair on Danger Island so the way to get access is to play or GM that and then apply that sheet to the character you want.

Thanks. So just to make sure I understand, I need to own, play or gm #166 to buy that weapon for my pfs character?

4/5 ****

Baarogue wrote:
Thanks. So just to make sure I understand, I need to own, play or gm #166 to buy that weapon for my pfs character?

Not quite. Owning is not required nor helpful.


Pirate Rob wrote:
Baarogue wrote:
Thanks. So just to make sure I understand, I need to own, play or gm #166 to buy that weapon for my pfs character?
Not quite. Owning is not required nor helpful.

I should own it to GM it though, right?

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

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Baarogue wrote:
Pirate Rob wrote:
Baarogue wrote:
Thanks. So just to make sure I understand, I need to own, play or gm #166 to buy that weapon for my pfs character?
Not quite. Owning is not required nor helpful.
I should own it to GM it though, right?

From rules perspective, owning the AP isn't strictly speaking required, although it may be difficult to run an adventure an adventure from a book that you don't have, right?

But, for example, if your friend has bought it and wants you to run it for them, that is totally fine: Nothing says you specifically need to own the adventure in order to run or report the game.

(APs/Modules are special in that regard: Paizo doesn't expect players to buy the adventures just to have access to the items/weapons printed in them, so there's no ownership requirement, unlike in other books outside of the Core Assumption (which includes CRB, Lost Omens World Guide, and Bestiary 1. Character options)


Right on. Thanks guys

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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In addition to what everyone else said, since it's Uncommon, it qualifies for the Bequeathal Boon (which you can buy from your Boons tab).

Just in case you wanted to apply the Chronicle itself to one character, but have a different character use the Kusarigama ^_^

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

Minor Caveat:

Not every item in a given AP is made available by the chronicle sheet for that adventure.

For example the Throwing Knife from the first book of Extinction Curse is *never* available in PFS. (Though there is a reprinted variant of it in another book that is.)

Okay, I have literally the same question about obtaining the Kusarigama for Pathfinder Society play. From what I understand I need to use a boon to get access to the weapon. Which boon do I need? I see there are various boons to be bought with Adventure Points that give Uncommon items but I have no idea which one I would need.

1/5 5/55/5 *** Venture-Agent, Online—VTT

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The same answer, there isn't an ACP boon to purchase for the kusarigama. The kusarigama is only published in the Fist of the Ruby Phoenix adventure path. The only boons that might have it are ones that are associated with the chronicles for that adventure path.

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