Wheelchair and 1st PaizoCon…

PaizoCon General Discussion

Hey… I’ve never attended a PaizoCon in person but am excited to this time around. I’m a disabled veteran in a wheelchair and I will have a care provider helping me out. Since it’s my first PaizoCon and with my limited mobility are there areas/events I should avoid or even “must attend” events/areas?

Sounds like PaizoCon will have a store at one of the areas. Is it worth going and how broke/poor will I end up once I leave (laughs).

Thanks for any advise.

Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

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Hi there! I have not attended physical PaizoCon before but I asked my coworkers for some input on accessibility of areas.

Paizo Staffer wrote:

[E]verything should be readily accessible except for the Evergreen rooms (and those are via the freight elevator).

The PaizoCon store, Paint & Take, the Organized Play room, the LivePlay room, the seminar viewing room, the delves, and the Syrinscape booth are all on the ground floor and just across the hall from one another so easily accessible.

The Cascade rooms where some of the special events are being held are one floor up and are accessible via the main tower elevators.

The Evergreen rooms (where some events are being held as well as open gaming space) are accessed via the service corridor and service elevator near registration and any staffers onsite can help you find whatever you are looking for.

A Different Paizo Staffer wrote:
I can confirm [...] once you know. where the service/freight elevator is, everything in the convention is accessible.

Awesome, thank you for the information.

Paizo Employee Starfinder Senior Developer

We look forward to having you there!

Wayfinders Contributor

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I look forward to meeting you!

The back and forth from Evergreen is tough for anyone mobility challenged (even from just carrying a *really* heavy bag), as well as from the convention area to the normal room block. Highly recommend requesting a room "in the Tower" at check-in, even if you end up paying a modest amount more (subject to your budget of course).

Everything else is very easy to get to from each other, including hotel snacks and restaurant.

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