Senko |
So I was just passing the time before bed playing around with the values of lead and gold you'd be dealing with for a pathfinder philosophers stone in the real world. As roughly as I can work out 500 kilograms purchased at around $1,100 will give you around a kilogram of gold.
A philosophers stone converts 1,000 lbs of lead (0.5 ton) to 50,000 GP worth of gold. A kilogram of gold is roughly worth 58,000 us dollars. There's a bit of leeway (for one thing a GP to US$ conversion rate) but your roughly dissolving 99% of your starting lead each time you do this. Well worth it sure as your looking at a profit of 50 times your starting expenses (for a level 20 alchemist who gets 1 free stone month) but still. 499 of kilograms just go bubble, bubble, blooop and are lost in your refinement of 1 kilogram of gold.
I find this interesting as I always pictured as a straight lead - gold but the rule it gives you the starting lead amount and final gold value means your not looking at that at all. I will need to look at the iron to silver conversion tommorow.
Diego Rossi |
In the estimation my friends and I have made, a gp is worth between 50 and 100 euros or dollars.
The basis is the page about the cost of living. An average lifestyle is 10 gp month, but we speak of a medieval/renaissance society, so probably an average lifestyle is more akin to that of an immigrant worker than that of an average US/EU citizen.
The average lifestyle would be 500-1000 €/$ month, without an electric bill, without a car (and generally without a horse), drawing water from a well, without having a PC and replacing it every few years, and so on.
Not as comfortable as our lives, but average for Golarion.