Confused about Olansa (MAJOR spoilers)

Agents of Edgewatch

Two things I really don't get:

Her Change Shape ability allows her to change between her human and drider-esque form, but doesn't appear to change her stats in any way. Why is this?

The page describing the final battle says the Radiant Spark can be used when she's at 100 hp or less to make her unable to use any abilities with the divine trait, which sounds good, except the only ability she has that has the divine trait (as far as I can tell) is her Change Shape, which, as I mentioned, doesn't seem to do anything. So what's the point of using it? Unless it also suppresses her divine spellcasting, which would actually be pretty powerful.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Divine Trait wrote:
This magic comes from the divine tradition

Seems like divine spellcasting would fall under that umbrella, and that preventing those spells is the biggest effect of using that ability. It also mentions removing "divine powers", which would definitely qualify.

She really doesn't have anything in particular associated with her spider-like form, so shifting to full human doesn't cause her to lose anything. Even her climb speed is given by the spell spider climb rather than as a part of her new biology.

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