Buying Uncommon Snare Formulas

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Need help pricing uncommon rarity formulas. The Grand Bazaar includes stores that sell Snare Formulas (Bellwether Lodge, for example). The book has the statblocks for the snares, including the price used when crafting the snare, but not a price for the snare's formula. And all of them are uncommon rarity, which (I think) means the table on page 293 of the core rules does not apply.

So how do you determine the cost for these formulas?

Liberty's Edge

They should be the exact same pricing as all other Formulas based on the Item Level of the Snare that you want.

As a GM you can feel free to put a premium on them since they are uncommon, but I generally don't think there is much of a reason to if you're letting the PCs get access to it anyway, but that's your call.

I generally treat uncommon as not a cost issue but an access one.

A PC has a % to find the uncommon item, but it costs the same as a normal one of that level.

You could add an addition 10-50% in cost depending on how uncommon it is or how hard it was to find.

Liberty's Edge

If a shop is literally offering the formula for sale as a normal matter of inventory, I’d probably just price it as a normal formula for its level,.

As a general matter,though, I would expect formulas for Uncommon items to be a little more jealously guarded, like a trade secret kind of thing, though I don’t have a useful suggestion on how to translate that into prices. From a system standpoint, I’d probably suggest that the formulas for most Uncommon items should probably, themselves, be Rare.

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