Zwordsman |
Howdy zowdy.
Does anyone know any feat or item or multiclass feature in game that would increase infinite worlds level 2 damage?
It is a supernatural ability.
2nd (Environmental): You cause a hazard that deals damage each round equal to the level of the spell slot expended, with a successful Fortitude save reducing the damage by half. A creature attempts this save when it first takes damage from this effect, and its result applies for the duration of the effect. You select the damage type each time you use this ability (acid, bludgeoning, cold, electricity, fire, piercing, slashing, or sonic
superheated spells
Is the only effect I know of that can increase the damage. It is sadly my least favorite damage type for flavoring.
I do like this class ability. But as it's always spell level for so many effects and not charisma modifier it's often a bad idea to use much more above level1.
I'm hoping galactic magic will have a Paradigm shift that adds 1/2 level to spell damage and will also allow infinite worlds to get damage boosted and set the DC for it as if it was a spell of that spell level. So spell focus also helps