Time limit for reporting an AP book?

Pathfinder Society


I'm pretty sure the answer is "report upon completion or better luck next time" but I have a home game that's making its way through book 2 of Extinction Curse and just found out as a new GM the rules for running through the APs are different so my players and I could probably turn the game in as we go through it. Is there any chance to cash in on having completed book one since it's been a little or am I very much out of luck?

4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Everett

Nah, you can get the game reported after you finished it.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

You can report it whenever you want - after all, you're the GM and the book isn't completed until you say it is ^_^

(I know some groups don't report the games between books, but rather, wait until they've completed the whole AP and then report it all at the same time)


Tomppa wrote:

You can report it whenever you want - after all, you're the GM and the book isn't completed until you say it is ^_^

(I know some groups don't report the games between books, but rather, wait until they've completed the whole AP and then report it all at the same time)

Oh, awesome, thanks!


Nathan Monson wrote:
Nah, you can get the game reported after you finished it.

Good to know, thank you!

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