A Deliverer Slayer Follower of Rovagug?


"Also known as a divine assassin, god’s blade, or wrathbringer, a deliverer is a weapon chosen by a god to punish those who have committed an affront to that deity. Evil deities are more likely to use assassins than deliverers, but some good deities use deliverers to deal with problems of a subtler nature than a cleric, inquisitor, paladin, or warpriest can typically handle"

Unlike Clerics who are just mortal followers of X and so the relationship is all kicked off on their end, the description here makes it seem like the god has to take an active interest in the affairs of a certain place and instruct their agent to do some killing.

Would this work for all beings who are venerated? I admit to liking Rovagug a lot and being interested in a character built around devotion to him. . Obviously Clerics and Inquisitors exist but I just learned of this archetype and was wondering it could work lore-wise? Would Rovagug specifically charge a mortal servant with a task? I admit it doesn't seem to jive with his description in Inner Sea Gods.

Thanks for any input you can give me.

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