Servitors of the goddess Grandmother Spider

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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My elder daughter plays a 12th-level CG tailed goblin champion of liberator cause devoted to Grandmother Spider. She is thinking ahead to the 16th-level Auspicious Mount class feat for her velociraptor animal companion (steed ally substitute). The velociraptor will learn the language associated with her deity's servitors (default is Celestial for tenets of good).

She is curious about what kinds of creatures are the servitors of Grandmother Spider.

Grandmother Spider started as an underpaid servant of the gods and managed to gain freedom and her own minor godhood through trickery. Nevertheless, she values fairness and has Neutral alignment. Her followers are NG, CG, N, and CN.

Grandmother Spider is not listed as the inhabitant of any outer sphere plane. The Neutral outer sphere plane is the Boneyard, which does not seem an appropriate place for her despite her brother Achaekek residing there. Nor is she listed as residing in the inner sphere planes, the transitive planes, or the dimensions. I cannot simply chose the native creatures of her home when I don't know her home.

Liberty's Edge

Why not the Material Plane like Gozreh ?

Liberty's Edge

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Realm : The Weaver knows that permanent homes make for permanent commitments, which she does not abide. Instead, she carries her home with her in a hollowed-out gourd, which contains a large demiplane filled with cliffside dwellings tied together with webs and filled with her treasures and books.

From Faiths of Golarion.

So, wherever the story needs.

Liberty's Edge

I would give the velociraptor the Multilingual feat.

Liberty's Edge

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I feel my earlier idea (the Material plane) was on spot because of two more excerpts from Faiths of Golarion :

"by the time she reached the Material Plane, she saw more value in teaching lessons and evening the odds than in spreading confusion."

"Among the oldest gods, only she and Gozreh seem collegial—their rivalry features in many stories, but always as friendly jibes or family squabbling rather than true malice."

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I sent the following to my 35-year-old daughter today.

Dear [Name Redacted],

I asked about the servitors of Grandmother Spider in the Paizo forums at der, The Raven Black knew of a source of information, the 2018 supplement Faiths of Golarion. He quoted, "The Weaver knows that permanent homes make for permanent commitments, which she does not abide. Instead, she carries her home with her in a hollowed-out gourd, which contains a large demiplane filled with cliffside dwellings tied together with webs and filled with her treasures and books," and "by the time she reached the Material Plane, she saw more value in teaching lessons and evening the odds than in spreading confusion," and "Among the oldest gods, only she and Gozreh seem collegial—their rivalry features in many stories, but always as friendly jibes or family squabbling rather than true malice."

For PF2 sources, we have page 60 of Lost Omens Gods & Magic devoted to her. This information is also in the Archives of Nethys. Page 136 of Lost Omens Mwangi Expanse covers the same information, but with more emphasis on her as a storyteller. Other chapters of Lost Omens Mwangi Expanse touch on the stories about her and her relation with the anadi people, such as the following on page 291:

Lost Omens Mwangi Expanse, sidebar page 291 wrote:

Grandmother Spider

Many anadi villages believe deeply in the teachings of Grandmother Spider, the goddess of twilight, weaving, illusion, and family. The most devout anadi believe that this goddess, sometimes called Nana Anadi, long ago led their ancestors from servitude. The legend goes that when darkness frightened the anadi, Grandmother Spider plucked the dewdrops from her web to hang in the sky and light the night for them. Nana Anadi is an honorary matriarch to many in Nurvatcha, though the goddess has never taken the nation’s throne—and most believe she would never wish to do so, anyway.

The closest the stories get to a servitor is Grandmother Spider once trying to recruit a Song'o halfling.

Lost Omens Mwangi Expanse, sidebar page 291 wrote:

Song’o Stories

Journeys along the ancestral Song’o trails can be long, tedious affairs. Song’os tell tales during these trips to pass the time and impart important lessons. A popular tale is that of “Kallbanar and Mama Anadi.” The story has Grandmother Spider asking the halfling Kallbanar to join her in a stroll of the heavens to prank the gods. Kallbanar, ever clever and thoughtful, realizes that he would never be able to hide as well as Mama Anadi and refuses her offer, heading home to enjoy a drink instead. Song’o parents tell the tale to encourage children to be brave enough to refuse a god and smart enough to recognize potential
trouble before it happens.

Since Grandmother Spider lives in a demiplane of her own creation, she has no planar natives to recruit as servitors. Since she avoids permanent commitments, her servitors are probably hirelings from other planes: psychopomps from the Boneyard (N) curious about working with the living, azatas from Elysium (CG) eager for payment, proteans from the Maelstrom (CN) wanting to make something, and angels from Nirvana (NG) seeking to do good in unusual ways. Her mortal servants might even encounter an occasional demon, daemon, aeon, or archon in her employ. Devils are too stodgy.

Due to the variety of servitors, and because most outer sphere plane creatures studied Celestial, Infernal, and Abyssal, the language spoken between her employees would be Celestial.

If your champion learns Celestial Form feat 18, then she would appear as an angel, azata, protean, or psychopomp. She would change form every morning during daily preparations, to widen her experience, but she could remain in morrigna form indefinitely if she needs to be easily recognized. Her velociraptor as a Celestial Mount feat 20 would appear as a yamaraj.


Liberty's Edge

Thank you for the follow-up. You are an awedome daddy. :-D

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