Hunt for online games

Starfinder Society


Looking for some online play because local players/GMs are having lives. Mostly on weekends or Friday evenings. Links I found with a quick search are dead or loop back. Any good places to look? Looking for the higher levels, but can in theory play any level 13 or lower. I am in Indianapolis/Eastern time, and work on weeknights to 6:30 again in two weeks.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Warhorn still has plenty of people playing online. Not as much as a few months back, because of many returning to in-person gaming, but enough that I can still find one occasionally to jump into.

I even just recently, randomly GMed #3-99 with only like 6 days notice ^_^

5/5 5/55/55/5


Cosmic crit

or for Friday nights whichever convention is going on that weekend.

1/5 5/5

An important thing to remember is patience, as well as understanding that even the bulk of people playing online also have lives.

The biggest benefit is that there are games at many different starting times.

Don't be afraid to waitlist as well... sometimes players drop out at last minute.


Late responding, yes, last two weeks were hectic at work. Shifting back from acting manager has a lot of paperwork. I’ve looked at Warhorn in the area, even signed up for some farther out lodges, but is there a specific Warhorn spot, or just search for online?

No idea was Cosmic Crit is, will have to look into that. Also PFSChat.

Patience is something I have a lot of. Thanks for the pointers, going to start hunting this weekend.

5/5 5/55/55/5

PMSchulz wrote:

Late responding, yes, last two weeks were hectic at work. Shifting back from acting manager has a lot of paperwork. I’ve looked at Warhorn in the area, even signed up for some farther out lodges, but is there a specific Warhorn spot, or just search for online?

No idea was Cosmic Crit is, will have to look into that. Also PFSChat.

Patience is something I have a lot of. Thanks for the pointers, going to start hunting this weekend.

Going to a high spot rattling some dice and howlinig to bignorsewolf to get in a game online also works.

For warhorn, search SFS and then click "show online games only" Some online places only take locals or give locals preference but you'll see a lot of whoever games, as well as that weekends convention

1/5 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Going to a high spot rattling some dice and howlinig to bignorsewolf to get in a game online also works.

I'm going to remember that and try that at some point.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

If you do have the patience, don't click any filters. Some examples as to why:

My local venue still comes up as Online, but our Tuesday games are in-person. We note it at the bottom, but not everyone reads it.

Sometimes custom events for things like a set of 4 Quests or Bounties might not even have the Pathfinder 2 tag.

And/or the Roll20 tag might not always be "on" until the day of the game.

This might mean you scroll through 7 pages looking for games instead of 1, but it's worth the time, IME.

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 1/5 5/55/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Going to a high spot rattling some dice and howlinig to bignorsewolf to get in a game online also works.
I'm going to remember that and try that at some point.

*Climbs to the top of Mt. Gamesmore, and lays out the sacrificial offerings: Jörmungandr liver jerky, that one d12 that only ever comes up 7, and a nice candle with a rather fetching loam and citrus scent*

oh um yes hi, I am close to playing through all of Frozen Ambitions, would anyone want to GM 3-15 The Preluria Connection XD

(...mostly joking but I also wouldn't say no if anyone wanted to run lol)

5/5 5/55/55/5

Sure, when ?

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