thistledown Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East |
A nice little scenario. Rather short. But a couple things.
The important one: Don't have a party of meatheads that just want to go fight things. The fighting in this is minimal, and most of it is avoidable (and SHOULD be avoided to better the story). Make sure you've got face skills and people who want to use them.
On that: There's no 4-player adjustment in the sidebar for avoiding fights. And getting (2) successes at DC 18 with only 4 level-ones is rough (we had 1 with ok diplomacy and 1 with ok intimidate)
Also: The trap on the airlock door is rough. Making your saving throw only negates the knockback - the damage doesn't get reduced. A good roll on the 3d6 damage almost put our intended frontliner down despite making his save. It's also unclear on if evasion would negate that damage or not.
thistledown Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East |
wolaberry |
This is definitely a weird one. I guess the party could just not follow up on the transmission. Mission Fail or play something else?
It looks like its possible to do this without firing a shot. That usually means quick, or lots of room for role play depending on the group.
The airlock trap is mean, it would need to roll a 1 to miss most PC's and that's a ton of damage for either tier. Considering that may be the only damage they take its not so bad. The save called for is fortitude evasion only works with reflex. That and the first possible fight is in the very next room, no chance for a 10 minute rest unless you talk Avid Dreamer down.
This looks very susceptible to the "Wrong Party" problem. Without a Face you will get every combat. No Techies and they miss all but the first and maybe last handouts.
I have a hard time thinking a group would actually wipe the hard drive. Unless the defenses really beat up the party and they "c:/reformat c" out of spite.
Looks like fun with the right players. Running it at SkalCon, Halloween weekend.
thistledown Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East |
BigNorseWolf |
Oh good, was hoping i hadn't missed something with the turrets being avoidable (I had the ship disconnected from them. Or at least thats what they said)
At the end the party convinced the ship to join the starfinder society. The mechanic went out on the hull with some electric paint and a roller and put a big starfinder society logo on the front.
For the Nicoli, the party found the crate it came in and put a pokemon esque plush in its case and sealed it back up. The plush has a string activated soundcard that says.... rather rude things to the person who tried to order the critter.
slicer11x Venture-Agent, Online—VTT |
John Mangrum |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I'd recommend searching through ArtStation as a first stop for finding substitute assets. (I find myself scouring through there all the time.)
BigNorseWolf |
I'd recommend searching through ArtStation as a first stop for finding substitute assets. (I find myself scouring through there all the time.)
Google space ___creature the description reminds you of___ monster usually gets you something usable.
Dennis Muldoon |
Is everyone else missing markings on the maps for areas A2 and A3 in this scenario? Or is my copy just messed up? I'm not seeing any markings aside from the "one square = 5 ft.", not even the name of the map.
I'm curious in which part of the map, for instance, is the encounter in A3? The room on the eastern edge? On the northern edge?
wolaberry |
The maps in mine have the name and scale. Only the first has highlights of wear enemies start and the airlock trap. None mark were PCs start.
At 3-4 and a full table area A1 is going to be SUPER crowded.
For A3, the adventure text make me think its the east room, the critter in that alcove just under the compass rose. Its described as a power cell that the creature is laying near for heat.
The attached image files of the map tiles assembled have no tags at all to make them easy to import into a VTT.