Magical Mentor w / 2 Traditions

Pathfinder Society

Grand Archive 5/5 5/55/5 ***

My Wizard/Witch just downloaded the Magical Mentor Boon:

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide key spellcasting insights that augment your colleagues’ magic. Any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours can prepare one additional spell of their highest-level spell slot or cast one additional spell of their highest-level spell slot. When casting spells of a magical tradition that is the same as the tradition you use for spellcasting, the affected PC also increases the Level Bump’s modifier to spell DCs to 2.

As she has Arcane spellcasting from her Wizard levels and Occult spellcasting from her Witch archetype I assume both Arcane and Occult spellcasters benefitting from a Level Bump can increase their spell DCs by 2?

Grand Archive 4/5 5/55/5 *

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Grand Archive 4/5 ****

Leomund "Leo" Velinznrarikovich wrote:

This is my understanding as well.

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