
Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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The rules for familiars are horrible. Who wants to search through the Bestiary's trying to find something suitable?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Unless you need the Bestiary to tell you that a raven familiar probably should have the ability to fly as a base line, I have no idea why you would need the Bestiary to pick a familiar.

Just pick an anminal that's about cat-sized and you're good to go.

As far as I can tell, it doesn't actually have to be an actual animal. A mythical animal would work just as well.

I'm suspecting this OP is intended for a different edition's forums. Though I do agree that this editions rules for familiars are horrible - just for different reasons that provided.


breithauptclan wrote:
As far as I can tell, it doesn't actually have to be an actual animal.

Correct, just the Animal type (or other types you have Access to).

A winged snake with Flyer, or a flightless "Storval Owl" with Burrow, or a non-descript tribble with no Familiar abilities are all valid choices.

James Goodman 960 wrote:
The rules for familiars are horrible. Who wants to search through the Bestiary's trying to find something suitable?

Good thing you don't?

And even if you did, unless you are accessing this site with magic there is archives of nethys.

But again, you don't need to look up bestiary entries.

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