
Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I don’t play PFS, but am intensely curious about this Iruxi nation; what do we know about it?

Paizo Employee Designer

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It's an independent island nation of Iruxi off the western coast of Garund, just south of the edge of the map of the Inner Sea. They were trade partners with what became Sargava and is now Vidrian before the formation of the Eye of Abendego and the occupation by Cheliax.

They are not a holding of Droon but they do have connections and trade with the larger iruxi nation and other occupants of southern Garund.

Michael Sayre wrote:

It's an independent island nation of Iruxi off the coast of Garund, just south of the edge of the map of the Inner Sea. They were trade partners with what became Sargava and is now Vidrian before the formation of the Eye of Abendego and the occupation by Cheliax.

They are not a holding of Droon but they do have connections and trade with the larger iruxi nation and other occupants of southern Garund.

Thank you so much!

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