Luebbi |
Are you a player in the campaign? Want to show off your character? This is the place!
Linwi Makimbe is a desert ratfolk (well, Meerfolk) alchemist. As ambassador to his tribe, he's joining the Magaayamba to meet potential allies. He's joined by his familiar, a ghundi who mostly just sleeps perched on Linwi's shoulder. He takes himself and his tribe a little to seriously, but can be a reliable ally who puts perdonal wants behind the needs of the many.
Had a lot of fun designing this character, and the artwork I comissioned is gorgeous in my opinion ;)

Captain Morgan |

I have this idea for a gnoll. Their inherent physicality and pack based nature gives me this image of a gnoll frat boy that I'm extremely tickled by, despite my real life distaste for fraternities. While the minor in wizard is a given, I can't decide if I want to major in witch or alchemist. Going full caster seems appropriate for the magic school theme, but I have wanted to play an alchemist for a while and the Gnoll is soooo good for them.

Uchuujin |
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I don't have a name yet, but he's an Ekujae elf / ifrit summoner.
Dahak's power slowly seeping out of its prison influenced his birth, causing obviously magma dragon like manifestations. While he was still raised by the Ekujae it was impossible to miss the feelings of fear and mistrust he grew up surrounded by. Something that wasn't helped by his habit to talking to something only he could see, of vocally denying his darker impulses as if they were a separate being, because they were. A minor manifestation of Dahak's spirit is lodged within his soul, a destructive force he can call on, but not fully control.
When he came of age he chose not to join any of the clans, but to leave his people behind and go to the Magaambya. There he hopes to learn to control the power within him and bend it towards good ends, or at least learn how to aim it's destructive fury at those deserving of it; and to prove that despite the circumstances of his birth he to can be a hero, if not on his own, then surely with the strength of thousands supporting him.

Luebbi |
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I have this idea for a gnoll. Their inherent physicality and pack based nature gives me this image of a gnoll frat boy that I'm extremely tickled by, despite my real life distaste for fraternities. While the minor in wizard is a given, I can't decide if I want to major in witch or alchemist. Going full caster seems appropriate for the magic school theme, but I have wanted to play an alchemist for a while and the Gnoll is soooo good for them.
Sounds good! Before I settled on my alchemist, I also toyed with the idea of a frat boy-type Fighter who just got accepted because he's really good at Magaayamba Quidditch or whatever, and keeps going around calling other students nerds :P

keftiu |
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I don't currently have the time to be running campaigns, but I've been having a lot of fun making hypothetical parties for various APs. I hope you enjoy!
Ajeku, Kishindo, Mawimbi, and Owuro all share a surprising commonality: magic in their blood. The expectations brought by their strange birthrights have driven them into the ancient halls of the Magaambya within the same season, and each hopes they can master themself and match their supernatural peers.
Ajeku is an Alijae elf, stoic and quiet even for that secretive folk, their taciturn nature explained in part by an understanding that their fiendish heritage marked them among the famed demon-hunters. Still, they threw themself into study of spell and bow, and with doubled intensity when their parents were slain by raiding cultists. Finding it hard to be an orphan among their kin, Ajeku has taken leave from Nagisa to hone their talents at the Magaambya. (Ajeku is an Tiefling Elf and a Starlit Span Magus, and their branch is the Cascade Bearers; they hope to bring back lore that can help protect more of their people from harm. They took the Sponsored by Village background, and their free archetype is Wizard.)
Kishindo is a fourth-generation kobold living in the Mbe'ke city of Cloudspire, raised among the dwarves there as an equal. His entire clutch hatched with vibrant blue scales, like those of the sacred cloud dragons, and Kishindo felt this apparent blessing strongest of all. The fellowship they were all born into was one of diplomats who traveled across the Mwangi Expanse, and so Kishindo spent many youthful trips in Nantambu, eventually becoming quite close with Takalu Ot - who he quietly hoped could explain his bloodline's secrets. (Kishindo is a Spellscale Kobold and a Wyrmblessed Sorcerer, and his branch is the Tempest-Sun Mages; he wants to defend people like a great wyrm does, seeing it as the noblest use of his powers. He took the Sponsored by Teacher Ot background, and his Free Archetype is Wizard.)
Mawimbi was fated to join their Bonuwat tribe's druids from the moment her mother saw her blue skin; to be an Undine is surely a gift from Shimye-Magalla himself! She hides behind a ready smile and a rowdy, faux-arrogant personality, but in reality is haunted by the glories expected of her. (Mawimbi is an Undine Human and a Wave/Storm Druid, and her branch is the Rain-Scribes; she hopes to one day live up to her role as a leader of her tribe, a navigator on the seas, and a protector of the pure waters. She took the Sponsored by Family background, and her Free Archetype is Wizard.)
Owuro's golden eyes marked them for trouble in the city of Mzali, for their gentle glow was an undeniable challenge to Walkena's primacy. Their parents raised them in secret, with whispered scraps half-remembered about the Old Sun gods and what the city used to be before Walkena came; they were smuggled out one night at great risk to their family, and tasked with finding what salvation they could for Mzali with the Magaambya's wisdom. (Owuro is an Aasimar Human and a Flames Oracle, and their branch is the Uzunjati; they seek the stories of the Old Sun Gods with a ravenous appetite, in the hopes of one day bearing the triumphant truth to the people of their home. They took the Unsponsored background, and their free archetype is Flames Druid.)
(Incidentally, Ajeku has a Ranger sister who was raised by the Matanji, and Kishindo has a Barbarian sister who was a career bodyguard; I have both as potential PFS characters, but haven't played them yet.)

keftiu |
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I've got a couple more that've been stewing in my brain - thanks for indulging me!
Kadin was a prodigy from a young age, ascending quickly through the schools of Manaket in Rahadoum to the north, enrolling in the famed Occularium at the age of 16; the local wizards focus the bulk of their efforts on combating the encroaching desert, and they saw how dire the need was for fresh ideas, and so they found their way to the Magaambya. Druidic magic feels uncomfortably like faith to their atheist sensibilities, but they're convinced this is the key to saving their homeland. (Kadin is a Human Wizard, and their branch is the Rain-Scribes; they hope to bring home a solution to Rahadoum's woes from within the Magaambya's wisdom. They have the Unsponsored Background, and their free archetype is Leaf Druid).
Dyabe was born to the Uomoto people of the northern Expanse, who safeguard and shun the ruins of Kho, a crashed flying-city of the vanished Shory Empire. She's dreamed of flying since she was a little girl, sneaking into the ruins in search of lost wonders, and was given exile after being discovered; her path led south to Nantambu, where Takalu Ot quickly took a shine to the young outcast. (Dyabe is a Human Armor Inventor, and her branch is the Cascade Bearers; she hopes to behold flying wonders, and to take to the skies herself. She has the Sponsored by Teacher Ot Background, and her free archetype is Wizard).

MightySchoop |
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Karam is an orphaned half-orc who grew up in a Lirgeni farming community. With dreams of joining his orcish relatives to fight off demon invasions, he pestered every warrior he knew to teach him how to fight. One day while hunting, he caught sight of a strangely-colored piglet and felt compelled to track it. The pig led him through the jungle, and to a strange city, and finally to the gates of the Magaambya, where he was met by a kindly older man who seemed to expect his arrival. (Karam is a Human (half-orc) fighter, his branch is the Tempest Sun-Mages. He wants to become a renowned hero. He has the Unsponsored background, and his free archetype is Druid. The pig will become his animal companion at level 4)

StarlingSweeter |
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My group is starting this AP friday and I am really excited about my character!
I am playing a Taralu Dwarf Summoner named Baku Gokel of Clan Zyphyrie. Born the middle child of 3 sibling his journey starts when he makes the Aspirant Migration along with his family. Starting at the top of the shattered range they make their way to Tanninshroud. The journey is long and treacherous but he is saved thanks to the many talents of his brothers and sisters. Feeling frustrated at his lack of talent he bemoans his situation but in his silence he also hears a call. One that grows louder as they near the Mausoleum. When they arrive at Tanninshroud the clouds part and lightning strikes the grave. Appearing before them is an aspect of Tannin themselves who has heard Baku's prayers and has used them as a conduit to manifest on the material plane.
Together they pledge themselves to each other and clan. Going to the Magaambya to further discover what this magical bond might bring.
My GM has opened the free archetype to encompass any archetype that gives basic spellcasting benefits for primal/arcane so Baku will be splashing the Elemental Sorcerer (Air) archetype.

Cevah |
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Zannkaleem "Zann" Moondancer is an Anadi that looks like a Ekujae elf.
With Adopted Ancestry, he picked up the Elf feat Elemental Wrath to have a reasonable attack spell all the time.
Planning to get another Adopted Ancestry[i] to pick up the Goblin feat [i]Burn It!.
Zann has a monkey familiar, I have yet to determine the details on. Any suggestions for names and personalities are welcome. My current default familiar abilities are: Touch Telepathy, Share Senses, Independent. For now, I want people to think he is a beloved pet.
I plan on getting to know Tzeniwe, and she will be the first I reveal myself to. I plan to do it without her children about, so I can learn if they can be trusted to not reveal my secret.
Of course, we've only had the initial session, and all this is subject to change. :-)

![]() |
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Going to be starting my game of this soon so why not share my character concepy!
Cheerful Oak - A young gnoll from a large group in the southern Mwangi, Oak quickly fell in with the storytellers of her tribe. Almost preternaturally good-humoured, Oak became prized for her more light-hearted and comedic stories, but her family worried that she would embarrass the group if a more serious ritual should arise.
Oak's life would soon take a turn from her family's more traditional setting when her group made contact with a travelling class from the Magaambya. Inspired by their stories (and the pranks she was able to pull on a few of them before they left), Oak committed herself to travelling to the arcane school herself, with her family's blessing. Her fondest hope is that she will find new stories worth telling, ones where her cheerfulness rings clear and she can show her family how well she's doing!

keftiu |
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Kedun was born to parents who both served as Iobane, the magi wardens of the Doorway to the Red Star, but could never follow in their footsteps. She caught a terrible illness as a child that she never fully recovered from, leaving her too weak to pursue the path of the battle-mage; this brush with death wounded her body, but caused her mind to expand. A stranger appeared to the Iobane, explaining that proximity to the Doorway had left psychic stains on Kedun’s soul, and that the Magaambya was her best hope to master this unknown talent.
Kedun is a Human Psychic with the Sponsored by a Stranger background, and her Free Archetype in Druid corresponds to the old 1e “Magaambyan Telepath,” who could psychically commune with plants. I immediately thought of Psychics when I first saw Sponsored by a Stranger; glad to finally write one out!

Dorian 'Grey' |
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My home group is starting SoT tonight (finally)!
We just finished our initial PF2e AP (AoA), so excited to use that experience for our 2nd.
After many concept, class, eye color changes, I have decided to go with an inspirational tip of the cap concept.
Flynn Carsen Grippli (windwebbed) Alchemist (Bomber) / Wizard Dedication.
Flynn was a know-it-all. He learned everything he could while living among his tribe. Flynn visited all the Grippli tribes in the Expanse. He wanted more!
He began researching other civilizations. Flynn began going on archeological digs in the Expanse to further his compulsion to knowI.
While on a dig in the western Expanse, Flynn ran across a group of students from the Magaambya school! The Archeologist drilled the students for every bit of information about the school!
The Grippli packed his things the next morning and decided to go to University!

Scoutistic |

I may not be a player for SoT but i do have some players enjoying their time. so ill share for them since none of them frequent these boards. I also allowed the free archetypes to be anything i thought fitting of the magambaya or to be anything if they main class wizard/druid.
my first player is playing Ash, an Anadi witch/druid. pull to the school by an unknown force and the guidance of her patron she hopes that this unexpected turn of event s for her plays out well.
my second player is playing Izruuk the Lizardfolk druid/barbarian. after being pushed away from their home by the Terwa lords they fled to the magambayaa hoping they could enroll there and find a new purpose in life, on their way to magambayaa they rescued a raptor from drowning and the two have been traveling together since.
next up is kendral the Elf wizard/Psychic after realizing that he was gifted with magical aptitude he hoped that he could study and learn even more if properly trained, so he traveled to the magambaya in hopes of learning all he can.
lastly I have Zera the Catfolk summoner/Alchemist, not really sure of why her angelic friend Zero always comes to her aid in times of need she hopes to learn more about how and why he does, and maybe to learn how to make some cool things in the process.