Question on purchasing adventures directly from Paizo

Paizo General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Hey Guys and Gals,

So I recently bought the Phoenix Tourney 1st book off the site here. It's been a while but I thought when you purchased a hard copy of a book directly from Paizo you received a free PDF? Is that still a thing? Thanks in advance.



Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

You only get the free PDF if you are subscribed to the line of products that is involved.

Marketing & Media Manager

Steel Forged Games wrote:

Hey Guys and Gals,

So I recently bought the Phoenix Tourney 1st book off the site here. It's been a while but I thought when you purchased a hard copy of a book directly from Paizo you received a free PDF? Is that still a thing? Thanks in advance.



You might talk to Customer Service about turning that purchase into a subscription retroactively. I hate to create more work for my coworkers but a new subscriber is a good reason. :)

Liberty's Edge

Thanks Aaron and Justin. I can't do the subscription my group doesn't go through content fast enough to receive product monthly. Thanks for the thought though.


RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Steel Forged Games wrote:

Thanks Aaron and Justin. I can't do the subscription my group doesn't go through content fast enough to receive product monthly. Thanks for the thought though.


You can just subscribe to get the AP and then cancel.

There's no defined or fixed length to the subscription.

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