Mightypion |
For me it was 4 because:
1: A fairly fresh location with interesting NPCs.
2: The party was not yet so terrible strong it could trivially curb stomp all the things.
3: It felt pretty open overall. The party came up with a lot of creative ways to have some fun themselfs, our GM may have made the islands perhaps too chaotic and not enough evil (party basically pranked itself out of several encounters), the audiance had some slapstik elements, but well, excellent times were had by all.
4: The audiance with N. got adapted and was quite hilarious. We had a houserule that a player had to down a shot/take a sip of wine whenever they laughed at something, to simulate becoming increasingly light headed in Ns. presence.
The party did receive hints throughout act 4 that Nocticula does indeed have a sense of humor, and that she is interested in novelty, so on pc came up with the idea of talking about things that have never been said in her presence.
It featured:
--A discourse based on mathematics and Irorian philosophy that Baphomets Cock size always approaches zero. A lackey of Hepzahmirah attempted to dispute this, but got trolled by the party into disbelieving himself. I have no clear memory how.
--A surprising reveal of a powerful Irorian mantra, thought by the master of masters himself, to ward off Shamiras (who was quite hostile to the party) seduction: "Shamiras breasts are padded".
--A professional discourse on how to draft and create a "summon tide of flaming barbecue dippings" spell to make Gibrileths edible. Lady N. had apparently given the matter some previous thought, indicated that she did assasinate someone with something like that once as a lark and was well prepared for the discussion.
--A reverse psychology Gorrumite plea for her highness to consider the effects her efficiency has on the total demon lord population.
--A semi desertation of Golarioni cultures that eat cows and/or goats and/or cockroaches. The attempt to change Dreskaris "main animal" from a Locust to a cockroach was well received.
--A discussion on the feasiblity of assasinating demons with dropped anvils consecreated to Torag on them, one of the PCs did pull it off once (it only killed a random Babau and not Jerribeth as was planned), and very politly asked for her professional opinion on the matter. Nocticula deadpanned, gave it a B+, stating that it showed a great deal of orginality and promise, especially for a first attempt, more so from a normally more frontal fighting mortal, and recommended various practical means such as attached spikes to make anvil based assasinations more practical in the future.
--When it came down to business, the party offered her pick of a soul in return for a military alliance, with the soul being consumated after the objectives of the military alliance were achieved. Some haggling ensued, N. demanded to pick after observing their perofrmance in the next mission. Led to some unusual dynamics in that parts of the party intentionally fudgefingered in order to not get picked. The Paladin in particular. The Bloodrager gave no f!~%s, killed B. and got picked.
--Bonuspoints for the Bloodrager having the "The Virgin" fighting name in the arena, (because he deadpanned every single approaching Succubus/Lilitu with "I am a virgin and am saving myself for someone special.") he actually was one but nobody in the entire city believed that. He indeed ended up saving himself for someone very special.

Stip |
We are still early in the campaign, but books 1 and 6 are my favorite in terms of narrative. I love the 'world is ending' desperation of its starts, and the triumphant ending. And book VI is actual saving the world level heroism. Closing the Worldwould is a world shaping event, and not just epic in that it closes out a threat contained within a campaign. Even while we adventured in other parts of Golarion people knew what the Worldwound was and the threat it must have posed.