Reaching customer support via email

Customer Service

Hey everyone,

not wanting to publicly share personal information, I'm just hoping that staff can access the email address associated with this account and check if an email from this address reached around 18/6/2021 around 22:25 PDT (07:25 CEST) and - if it has - whether there is any reason why I would not have received a response.

Kind regards

This is purely for me to know if I need to resend it or reach out via different channels.
I'm not upset because of the time I have to wait or blaming anybody.

Customer Service Representative

Eyeseeyou wrote:


This is purely for me to know if I need to resend it or reach out via different channels.
I'm not upset because of the time I have to wait or blaming anybody.


The customer service email is:
Please let me know if I can assist you further :)

So is this an automated response or your way of telling me that customer support does not know why the store people don't respond to email?

Customer Service Representative

Eyeseeyou wrote:
So is this an automated response or your way of telling me that customer support does not know why the store people don't respond to email?


If you are looking for assistance from customer service about an order or your account, please send us an email at If it is something that we can't assist with, we will be able to pass it along to the correct folks from there. Thank you :)

Have sent the same email to customer support with minor edits for clarification/grammar/spelling mistakes.

Also, whenever I call the customer support hotline and select '1' on the IVR, it tells me to hold while being forwarded only to then hang up on me.

Customer Service Representative

Eyeseeyou wrote:

Have sent the same email to customer support with minor edits for clarification/grammar/spelling mistakes.

Also, whenever I call the customer support hotline and select '1' on the IVR, it tells me to hold while being forwarded only to then hang up on me.

Sounds great, we will take a look as soon as we can :) We are all still currently working from home and do not have access to the phones in the office.

Yeah, I heard you also have a bit of a 'temperature situation' :/
Best wishes to everyone currently suffering from the combined forces of weather and virus :X

If this is something you do on this forum, consider this thread #solved & #closed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Its not but I wonder if allowing the OP to lock their own threads in the customer service forum might not be a good idea?

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