Mudbug Massacre (Little Trouble in Big Absalom)

GM Discussion


Anyone else have a TPK in the last encounter of LTiBA? I was pulling punches and fudging rolls, ignoring abilities and generally using bad tactics, and my party of four pregen kobolds still died, including the druid's animal companion. As one of my players said, "I've killed dragons. I've vanquished demons. I've battled the avatars of the gods themselves. To be bested by a bunch of ditch lobsters!"

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It's definitely a very tough fight and there are some hints that the PCs should run away from it. I killed nearly all of the PCs each of the times that I ran it, with a couple of them surviving to run away or be revived by the faerie dragon.

It is a good introduction to the idea that not every fight is winnable, and sometimes running away/surviving is winning, especially since there are no stakes for the players with the game run in campaign mode.

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Nathan Schwalm wrote:

It's definitely a very tough fight and there are some hints that the PCs should run away from it. I killed nearly all of the PCs each of the times that I ran it, with a couple of them surviving to run away or be revived by the faerie dragon.

It is a good introduction to the idea that not every fight is winnable, and sometimes running away/surviving is winning, especially since there are no stakes for the players with the game run in campaign mode.

But not necessarily a good introduction to PF2 or PFS2, though, imo.

Between my experience playing this module and a few of the starting Bounties, and GMing 1-01 I almost quit PF2. It was only encouragement by fellow players and GMs that I kept with it.

EDIT: New walk-in players may not get that level of encouragement.


If I'd been playing with a group new to Pathfinder, or Second Edition, or tabletop rollplaying, I would have fudged a few more rolls and found a way to pull it out, or just told them flat out to run after the first one went down. But this was a group of four players who have, for the most part, played since the D&D 2nd Edition days, and one of them was our VC.

It didn't occur to me to have the faerie dragon come in and save them. But that's a good idea.

I think they breezed through the rest of the module, and just weren't expecting the final fight (with a bunch of overgrown mudbugs) to be as hard as it was.


Way late to this party, but my group has currently had the druid fall halfway through the basement (during the fight with the fungus leshy), with the others all fairly banged up.

I'll be gently reminding that they're more than welcome to return to base camp and heal up there, but I was -not- expecting this module to go so hard. (To be fair, my group tends to have the most horrible luck with dice rolls when it's not a 'boss fight'...)

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