Boons that Season 4 broke and suggestions on how to fix them

Starfinder Society

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Seasons 4 changes mean that we no longer earn fame. A number of boons, abilities, and awards however rely on fame and will either technically stop working because there is no longer fame, or need a complete overhaul because there is no fame.

Note: given that the change happens soon and our overlords are mandible deep in paizocon prep, I realize there's no way for the problem to be fixed quickly.

I got prep to do so I'm just going to start with a few examples.

Instructor Boon

Why it broke: Requires you to earn fame to advance it. Characters with the boon could be half or part of the way through the old boon, having given up dayjob checks, without any way to reap the rewards.

Solution: Beneft: This boon represents time spent outside of adventuring
that you’re taking to train a potential new Starfnder. At the end
of every adventure you have this boon slotted, record the total
amount of Experience points you earned. You can expend your Downtime at
the end of an adventure to increase the amount of Experience recorded
for this boon by 1/2 of an experience point. Once you have accrued 20 Experience with this boon, your student has come into their own and is ready to
become a full-fledged Starfnder (a new character)....

(I think that makes the math work out roughly the same)

The Lone Agent or whatever it is called boon (the one that lets you be factionless) will need some sort of overhaul too I think.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Are all fixes for broken boons going to be here? If not, is there a place to find them? I am trying to figure out how to handle Bone Sages Respect, and I don't know where to look.

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I just opened this up as an attention to the issue thread.

So far they've fixed instructor, not sure if anything else was fixed.

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A scoured home has a boon that requires most characters to spend 3 fame to activate.

It could be changed to 3 fame or 1500 credits?


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I'm planning to run a number of S1 scenarios in the coming months, most of which I missed out on the first time around because SFS took a while to get traction in our area. However, a few of them grant boons that reference Fame, so I'd like to note them here in case we can ever get them reviewed.

#1-01 The Commencement:

Faction's Friend (3 uses) is triggered when you would fail to earn Fame by not fulfilling a success condition, allowing you to still earn 1 Reputation (but not Fame) as if you had succeeded. But now, nobody earns Fame, so as written, it does nothing. Suggested fix: If you fail to earn Rep, you still get 1 Rep.

#1-14: Star Sugar Heartlove!!!:

Scoured Memorial (1 use) ignores the Fame cost of body recovery or starship towing, or reduces the Fame cost of raise dead. Suggested fix: The first two options ignore the Fame cost, so just ignore the AcP cost. The raise dead option is trickier, because I don't know how you would go about purchasing something with AcP at a discount (I'm guessing you can't, at least not without creating a separate boon for it?).

#1-38: The Many Minds of Historia:

Always Prepared and Steadfast Protector each require a minimum Reputation Tier with the associated faction, plus spending 4 Fame. Besides Fame no longer being awarded, references to Reputation Tiers seem to have been phased out, too. Suggested fix: Make it a Chronicle Boon, costing 0 AcP, but add in a Reputation requirement like several of the Game Rewards have. (Tier 3 required 25 Rep, so use that number.)

I still plan to run these adventures, even without any resolutions to the questions above, because they promise to be a lot of fun to run and play. But it would be nice to see these boons made viable again.

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