Traitor's Lodge Scenario Reward; Thurl and Inhaz Villain Question

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

1) Hi, in Traitor's Lodge, the reward says: "Gain all the cards under this card, or gain no reward and you may immediately attempt this scenario again"
Now, I get the first part (which we ignored for the whole scenario but I doubt we'd re-shuffle the monster back just to get a probably useless boon), but the second is kind of pointless? Don't I get the "opportunity" to attempt the scenario again when I lose, anyway? Like, what's the gain from that, except losing more nerves and time?

2) Thurl and Inhaz have the power to banish them to get 1d4+1 cards "cured" from discard. Now, how are they to become the part of the hand in the first place? Is there some power or card later in the game which allows keeping the villain?

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1) While you are free to play a scenario again (and again and again...), once you have successfully completed a scenario and gained the reward, you may not gain the reward again for a subsequent successful completion of the scenario. What the Traitor's Lodge reward allows is for you to not gain the reward and to play the scenario again, gaining the reward upon a subsequent successful completion of the scenario. So if you successfully complete the scenario, you look at all of the cards under the scenario card. If you want any of them, you gain them and cannot replay the scenario for the reward again. If you don't want any of them, you may choose to replay the scenario again to potentially gain a useful boon after a subsequent successful completion of the scenario. It's all about getting the boon(s) you want/need (so some might not consider that a waste of time).

2) This can only happen if the character that defeats Thurl and Inhaz is the summoner Balazar. Normally when you defeat a villain, it escapes to another location or is banished (and when it is the only villain, you win). Thurl and Inhaz are the preliminary villain in the Vengeance at Sundered Crag scenario (B), but you don't win the scenario after cornering and defeating Thurl and Inhaz. When you defeat and corner Thurl and Inhaz,you summon and build the location Watchtower, shuffling the villain Tancred Desimire into that location. Balazar has the power "When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may add it to your hand instead." So if Balazar defeats Thurl and Inhaz (when the villain is cornered), Balazar may add Thurl and Inhaz to his hand. Later, Balazar can give Thurl and Inhaz to another local character.

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Also note that there are other characters besides WotR Balazar that can get Thurl and Inhaz in their hands by cornering and defeating that villain. Summoner CD Balazar and Nyctessa (Hell's Vengeance 2) have similar powers.

There may be some other cards whose powers similarly allow a character to add a monster to their discards/hand/deck instead of banishing it, but I haven't done a deep dive on all of the cards.

Thanks for the answers, now both make more sense.
Haven't played Balazar (yet) so I didn't know about his powers. I guess on second replay things get easier when you know to optimize your strategy the best. We finished Sundered Crag scenario by pure luck, had 3 more blessings remaining when we had to build the Watchtower, but luckily the villain came out to be the second card on top :)

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