xNellynelx |
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Age of Ashes has been completed by my party! I know we have an Obituary post, but thought I'd do the opposite and create a post highlighting the heroes who succeeded in the Age of Ashes adventure! Below are my party, their class feats so you can get an idea of their style, and their epilogue of "What I'll do next". I'll put these behind spoiler tags for A) Size, and B) spoiler reasons.
Viletta Bloodbane - Half Elf Dragon Scholar, Barbarian, Wizard (Hates Red Dragons)
1- Raging Intimidation
2- Wizard Dedication
4- Basic Wizard Spellcasting
6- Dragon's Rage Breath
8- Thrash
10- Terrifying Howl
12- Expert Wizard Spellcasting
14- Dragon's Rage Wings
16- Dragon's Transformation
18- Master Wizard Spellcasting
20- Perfect Clarity
What's Next - Viletta has returned to Katapesh, bringing her two adopted children (the kobolds Pib and Zarf) with her. As the guildmaster for the gladiator arena, she plans to spend her days relaxing while running her arena. She's left an open invite for any in Promise who wish to challenge themselves against outside combatants. After this, she plans to study the Eye of Abendego with the end goal of turning into a dragon and flying directly into it, never to be seen again.
Loralee Silver - Cavern Elf Warrior, Redeemer of Gozreh, Divine Sorcerer (Weapon Ally)
1- Deity's Domain (Nature)
2- Sorcerer Dedication (Angelic)
4- Divine Health
6- Basic Sorcerer Spellcasting
8- Advanced Deity's Domain
10- Devoted Focus
12- Lasting Doubt
14- Divine Reflexes
16- Expert Sorcerer Spellcasting
18- Master Sorcerer Spellcasting
20- Sacred Defender
What's Next - Returning to the life of a wonderer. Loralee plans to continue her travels, helping those who need and redeeming those who can be redeemed. Her travels will take her back to the Mwangi, as she took the destruction of an ancient temple as a personal failure and wishes to do everything she can to try and restore the destroyed temple.
Hadrim Hammerthrower - Strong-Blooded Dwarf Field Medic, Warpriest of Erastil & Folgrit, Rogue
2- Emblazon Armament
4- Healing Hands
6- Rogue Dedication
8- Skill Mastery
10- Skill Mastery
12- Emblazon Energy
14- Syncretism (Folgrit)
16- Evasiveness (Rogue)
18- Magic Hands
20- Avatar's Audience
What's Next - Hadrim, previously called "Him" as he was banned from his clan and stripped of his name, plans to return to Kovlar. It is here he plans to open a shop, teach others his Legendary Crafting ways, and aid with the potential restoration of Saggorak. After a few years, he plans to remove his armor, rest them on his forge, and simply walk into the darklands never to be seen again.
Nozgrim Olim - Forge Dwarf Hellknight Historian, Fighter, Marshal, Hellknight
1- Power Attack
2- Hellknight Arminger Dedication
4- Mortification (Piercing)
6- Hellknight Dedication
8- Order Training
10- Disruptive Stance
12- Advanced Order Training
14- Marshal Dedication
16- Inspiring Marshal Stance
18- Corrdinated Charge
20- Boundless Reprisals
What's Next - Nozgrim plans to return to his citadel in Breachill, where he will continue restoring it to it's former glory and bring a Hellknight presence back to the area. He and his order shall watch over their ring of portals, and use them to establish trade and protection to all the areas they connect to.
Artus "Thatch" Hewett - Skilled human with Haunted Visions, Ranger, Arcane Sorcerer
1- Animal Companion (Bird)
2- Sorcerer's Dedication (Draconic Bloodline)
4- Basic Sorcerer's Spellcasting
6- Mature Animal Companion
8- Bloodline Breadth
10- Incredible Companion
12- Expert Spellcasting
14- Warden's Boon
16- Specialized Companion
18- Master Spellcasting
20- Superior Sight
What's Next - Thatch will be staying in Promise. Accepting Mengkares offer to remain and help repair the damages caused by the Dragon's lost ways. Happy to put his visions to rest, Thatch will teach others Falconry in his spare time. Ultimately, he's happy to retire once Promise returns to a point where it's stable enough to no longer need him.

PocoLoco |
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Just finished this campaign, after 73 sessions (+/- a couple since I didn't count in the start). First time since Age of Worms we've managed to finish a campaign. A rather anticlimatic endboss, but it was still epic as the group was well prepared and managed to roll 5 natural 20s in the first two rounds.
Had some attrition on the way. Lost 3 characters to death on the way, and 2 players dropped out before the end.
But the characters that fought to the end were:
Karsk, a half-orc Barbarian
Doc, a goblin alchemist
Du Der, an elven ranger
Bac, a gnome fighter
Haven't worked out their future yet, as that will be decided next week as we decide what to play next. But in the end a great time was had by all.

Demonknight |
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I keep forgetting to post it but here it goes.
The Campaign i was the GM was played between 26/10/2019 and 23/01/2021.
It lasted 62 sessions, we played live the first 19 sessions, and then we changed to Roll 20 because Covid happened, we had few live sessions after that.
1 Death happened in the campaign and a few close calls, specially one in the quarry where a TPK almost happened.
The 4 pcs:
Nelka ended as a 20th level Human Cleric of Sarenrae,
Morgrym ended as a 20th level Dwarven Fighter
Omgot No-Ta-Gain ended as a 20th level Goblin Rogue (Racket Thief)
Seoni (my wife loves this iconic so she was Seoni, and yes, she picked the arcane tatoos..) ended as a 20th level Human Sorcerer

Tikael |
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Started in June 2020 and ended in January 2022, played entirely on Foundry.
No deaths but a lot of close calls, the balor scored 3 crit fails on it's death explosion but I rolled abysmally on damage and 3 characters ended in the ~15 HP range (I was more than 30 damage below the average for that roll).
Faccio - Human Mastermind Rogue, dealt out absurd damage on every crit.
Father Meatbiter - Lizardfolk Cleric, multiclass champion. Tanked for the group and kept the bandages flowing.
Toland - Gnome Wizard, loaded with other spellcasting traditions through archetypes
Brokton - Catfolk Aberrant Sorcerer, learned blood feast and used it + tentacular limbs to kill an absurd number of things.
Killing blow was by Toland, who critically hit with a hail mary Deity's Strike, dealing nearly 150 damage. Just barely enough to put the manifestation down.