My players want to sell an Aboleth corpse :P

Hell's Rebels

We're in Dance of the Damned (book 3) and my players just finished taking care of Menotheguro the Aboleth, who was menacing the Aquatic Elf town of Acisazi.

They cleverly managed to kill the Aboleth before he could flee, by tracking him using a pod of summoned dolphins (who have blindsight) and hitting him with glitterdust.

They've now got themselves the corpse of a horrifyingly eldritch sea god, and they've towed it back to the shore using their sled team of summoned Hippocampuses (Aquatic Cavalry). The Investigator and Rogue would like to see if they can harvest some poisons from it (Aboleth slime) and to also see if a collector somewhere would like to buy a fresh aberration corpse for dissection. They've got a Cleric with them so should be able to keep it fresh via Gentle Repose.

Realistically I feel like there would definitely be someone somewhere in Golarion who'd be interested in this rare find :P And, also realistically, they should be able to bottle at least some of that powerful Aboleth mucous that turns people sea-through.

I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how much corpse-cash and poison they should be able to get out of this thing though, without imbalancing the adventure too much!

This system might help with this question: Trophies and Treasures

You can buy and sell pretty much anything in Vyre...

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