What wild animals live in Numeria?

Iron Gods

The wiki only lists river elk, but assume there are more. Are there any dinosaurs? For some reason it seems like there should be.

There are elk and bears near Iadenveigh (Numerian Plains). I looked through the gazeteers in Numeria: Land of Fallen Stars, and the individual AP modules, and this is all I ran across. However, I have populated it with deer, rabbits, quail, and pheasant that you would find on the plains. I would just look up the various terrain types of the different regions, and populate them with whatever animals live in those terrains in our world.

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Numeria Map

I like to think of Numeria as the four "zones" in that map, and link them back to real world places to get a feel for flora/fauna.

Felldales is like the red desert in Wyoming, Utah and the Grand Canyon. So coyotes, wolves, goats, and other semi-mountain creatures. This is supposed to be the most dangerous zone, so it's the area I most associate with dinosaurs (all kinds). Hyenas and lions, while not common in Wyoming, seem like a good fit here.

Sovereign's Reach and Numerian Plains are more like the great plains of the midwest. So bison, pronghorn, wolves (again), etc. The Numerian Plains is the most fertile of these two regions, so larger animals such as deer, elk, wild horses, etc. Sovereign's Reach is more of a fallow wasteland, so more small rodents such as voles, ferrets, snakes, etc. Soveriegn's Reach should be pretty gloomy and foreboding, so less birds as well.

Sellen Hills is a fantasy version of the Scottish Highlands (or, I guess, New Zealand, which basically is a fantasy version of Scotland). So deer, bears, grouse, wolves (again again), boar and other game, sheep and goats, etc. Less North American animals.

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