Anthropomorphic Animal RPG Recommendations

Other RPGs

What RPGs in which you can play anthropomorphic animals, in particular reptiles and amphibians, would you lot recommend?


Off the top of my head, I can think of the following...

RPGs where all PCs are anthropomorphic animals of some sort:
Root: The Role-Playing Game

RPGs where one of the character options is "anthropomorphic animal" that's player-defined:
Fate: Masters of Umdaar
Storm Riders!
Flying Circus
Wave Chasers

RPGs that include pre-defined character options that are effectively anthropomorphic animals:
Star Trek Adventures

There are certainly more than the above, but these are the only ones that came to mind.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There's also the Humblewood campaign setting for D&D5E. I haven't played it myself, but it got some high praise from friends.

Interesting. Thank you all. :)

In no particular order:

Pugmire allows you to pay anthropomorphic dogs, Monarchies of Mao features cats, and Pirates of Pugmire adds birds and lizards to the mix. All three use the same world, and a streamlined version of the D&D 5E rules.

Pathfinder has tengu, lizardfolk, kitsune, nagaji, catfolk, ratfolk, and a host of other races that are essentially anthropomorphic animals. Starfinder is much the same, but includes aliens based on even weirder animals (like slugs and moths).

Similarly, D&D 5E has tabaxi, tortles, and lizardfolk, among other playable races.

Big Ears Small Mouth is a supplement for Big Eyes Small Mouth (2E) that gives rules for playing animals. They're the same size as normal animals, but are anthromorphized to some degree, like you would see in a Disney or Don Bluth movie.

Both Gamma World and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness include rules for characters who are mutated animals, many of them with anthropoid bodies. (IIRC, they're an oddity in GW, but practically the default in TMNT.)

The Fantasy AGE Companion includes a beastfolk race that covers a wide variety of animal types.

And finally, several generic systems (GURPS, Fate, True20, etc.) make anthropomorphic animals relatively easy to build and play. One of the sample PCs in Fate Accelerated is a catgirl pirate.

Tim Emrick wrote:

In no particular order:

Pugmire allows you to pay anthropomorphic dogs, Monarchies of Mao features cats, and Pirates of Pugmire adds birds and lizards to the mix. All three use the same world, and a streamlined version of the D&D 5E rules.

Pathfinder has tengu, lizardfolk, kitsune, nagaji, catfolk, ratfolk, and a host of other races that are essentially anthropomorphic animals. Starfinder is much the same, but includes aliens based on even weirder animals (like slugs and moths).

Similarly, D&D 5E has tabaxi, tortles, and lizardfolk, among other playable races.

Big Ears Small Mouth is a supplement for Big Eyes Small Mouth (2E) that gives rules for playing animals. They're the same size as normal animals, but are anthromorphized to some degree, like you would see in a Disney or Don Bluth movie.

Both Gamma World and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness include rules for characters who are mutated animals, many of them with anthropoid bodies. (IIRC, they're an oddity in GW, but practically the default in TMNT.)

The Fantasy AGE Companion includes a beastfolk race that covers a wide variety of animal types.

And finally, several generic systems (GURPS, Fate, True20, etc.) make anthropomorphic animals relatively easy to build and play. One of the sample PCs in Fate Accelerated is a catgirl pirate.

Thank you. :)

The NPC wrote:
What RPGs in which you can play anthropomorphic animals, in particular reptiles and amphibians, would you lot recommend?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the first one that springs to mind.

Beyond that, there are many games that offer you the chance to play all kinds of anthropomorphic creatures, but do not necessarily focus on reptiles and amphibians.

Bunnies and Burrows sets up all kinds of potential creatures to play as does Mouseguard.

If you are looking for something more lighthearted, you could play Toon.

Infected is designed around insects, but could easily be manipulated to use reptiles, ...

And, there are legion.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


Incredibly late to the party on this, which is somewhat ironic given that Ironclaw & Albedo, both by Sanguine Press, are possibly only the third & second anthro RPG's after TMNT & other Strangeness. Ironclaw is a more fantasy RPG, while Albedo is based on the nineties SF Indie comic of the same name. Sanguine Press also recently (within the last decade) published a modern-day setting RPG 'Urban Jungle', which uses a variation of the same rule set as Ironclaw.

Edit: If your focus is Reptiles & Amphibians, you might find a bit disappointing, as only Urban Jungle provides character options for either as part of the base book. Ironclaw includes some amphibian & reptile options in later expansions, specifically the Book of Jade & Book of Ivory, but in all three they are far outnumbered by the mammals...

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:


Incredibly late to the party on this, which is somewhat ironic given that Ironclaw & Albedo, both by Sanguine Press, are possibly only the third & second anthro RPG's after TMNT & other Strangeness. Ironclaw is a more fantasy RPG, while Albedo is based on the nineties SF Indie comic of the same name. Sanguine Press also recently (within the last decade) published a modern-day setting RPG 'Urban Jungle', which uses a variation of the same rule set as Ironclaw.

Edit: If your focus is Reptiles & Amphibians, you might find a bit disappointing, as only Urban Jungle provides character options for either as part of the base book. Ironclaw includes some amphibian & reptile options in later expansions, specifically the Book of Jade & Book of Ivory, but in all three they are far outnumbered by the mammals...

I want to think of you as very fashionable late ;)

Thank you. I will take a look.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
The NPC wrote:
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:


Incredibly late to the party on this, which is somewhat ironic given that Ironclaw & Albedo, both by Sanguine Press, are possibly only the third & second anthro RPG's after TMNT & other Strangeness. Ironclaw is a more fantasy RPG, while Albedo is based on the nineties SF Indie comic of the same name. Sanguine Press also recently (within the last decade) published a modern-day setting RPG 'Urban Jungle', which uses a variation of the same rule set as Ironclaw.

Edit: If your focus is Reptiles & Amphibians, you might find a bit disappointing, as only Urban Jungle provides character options for either as part of the base book. Ironclaw includes some amphibian & reptile options in later expansions, specifically the Book of Jade & Book of Ivory, but in all three they are far outnumbered by the mammals...

I want to think of you as very fashionable late ;)

Thank you. I will take a look.

So I have since discovered there is yet a third Ironclaw Sourcebook, the Book of Coral, which may actually double the total number of Reptile Species available (not certain if it provides more Amphibians).

This assumes that you found the system interesting enough to be worth continued looking into.

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