Spellstrike arrows vs Elemental wrath.

Rules Discussion

the activation cost of a spellstrike arrow is two actions [cast a spell] and specifically states "You activate spellstrike ammunition by Casting a Spell into the ammunition."

and Elves have a feat called elemental wrath that turns Acid splash into a single action spell. would this change the activation of the arrow since its activation is [Cast a spell]? or not since it's an item activation?

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AeonsShadow wrote:

the activation cost of a spellstrike arrow is two actions [cast a spell] and specifically states "You activate spellstrike ammunition by Casting a Spell into the ammunition."

and Elves have a feat called elemental wrath that turns Acid splash into a single action spell. would this change the activation of the arrow since its activation is [Cast a spell]? or not since it's an item activation?

Just because it says the spell only has a verbal components doesn't mean it only takes one action to cast. Nowhere in the Feat does it say it takes less actions to cast.

How many actions it takes to activate spellstrike ammunition is weird. Could I cast a three action spell into it for two actions? If I cast a 1 action spell, is it only 1 action to activate even though it says two?

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