Boggart questions

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Just started playing and this came up during play and I can't find a clear answer in the rules. Two issues.

First, the Boggart monster's power says "shuffle this monster into a random other location", but what if all other locations are closed?

Second, the character does not have the knowledge or perception skills. How is the first part of the card resolved?

If an instruction can't be followed (e.g., "shuffle this monster into a random other location" when there are no other locations), ignore it. In this case, I would shuffle the Boggart back into the location from which it came.

If a character doesn't have a listed skill, they roll a d4 for checks against it. This is when you need help from other characters and boons (or a good damage reduction option). Luckily, the Boggart's Knowledge/Perception check to defeat is just a 4.

Brother Tyler wrote:
If a character doesn't have a listed skill, they roll a d4 for checks against it.

A quick note that an "easily missed rules" section can be found on the back of the rulebook. This is one of the listed rules.

Other easily missed rules can be found here: players

Good luck!

Actually Boggart says "If undefeated, shuffle this monster into a random other location, then move to that location and end your turn."

Indeed the part between the two commas don't apply so forget it.
But there is still two questions :

A) Should the whole power be skipped. I. e. i don not end my turn if I'm defeated and the Boggart is by defaut reshuffled in my location.

B) If not, meaning it reads : "If undefeated, move to your location and end your turn.", am I considered moving to my own location or not (for purpose of powers triggered when I move, move from the current loc, or move to the current loc)? Or should I also skip to "end your turn" but that feels strange to only skup part of the "then". I know Vic gave some answer long time ago but I forgot.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

The words “that location” depends on you having executed the first part of the power successfully. If there was no other location to shuffle Boggart into, then “that location” is undefined, and therefore the second half of the power is also impossible to follow. So, yes, you skip ending your turn as well.

Staryn wrote:
Second, the character does not have the knowledge or perception skills. How is the first part of the card resolved?

Forgot to mention earlier: If there's another local character, you can have that character take one of the checks.

So a local character with the Knowledge or Perception skill can grab the first Boggart check, if such a character is available.

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