WW Scenario #6 (Siege) in OP - Location boons added to upgrade pool?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

When playing Wandering Way scenario #6 in Organized Play (siege scenario), are the remaining location boons added to the upgrade pool? Or is the intention that players only receive the standard WW reward of a single new card per player?

A few comments:

Unless I'm mistaken, in all other OP siege scenarios, any remaining location boons are added to the upgrade pool. This is always specified in the scenario rewards, however, so is the intention that the WW reward overrides this reward - or adds to this usual siege reward?

This is relevant because we just finished a Tier 5 WW siege scenario, and we're hoping that the reward isn't a single new card per character. But we'll see. :)

Oddly, scenario #6 in the Dragon's Demand playbook doesn't specify that players receive the location boons even in the standard campaign. That's definitely an oversight, I'm guessing. But even if this were specified for the standard campaign, it's not 100% clear what reward is intended in WW#6 in organized play. So the DD sanctioning document for WW#6 might need tweaking to clarify.

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Wow! You guys are going fast. My table is still in scenario 1

There's been discussion on Discord, and this was the general consensus (including input from Keith Richmond):

- In Wandering Way #6 (siege scenario), the remaining cards in the locations are added to the upgrade pool.

- This REPLACES the standard WW reward of each player adding a new type of card to the upgrade pool.

I'm not sure how official this is, as these changes would need to be made to the Dragon's Demand sanctioning document.

Also note there's still the separate issue that the Dragon's Demand playbook is missing the statement in WW#6 that the remaining cards are added to the upgrade pool in the standard (non-OP) campaign. This is actual DD errata.

(I'm reposting the decision here, as the general player base only has access to rules decisions in the Paizo forums - not on Discord. If my summary is incorrect, feel free to correct or comment.)

Much appreciated!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
wkover wrote:

There's been discussion on Discord, and this was the general consensus (including input from Keith Richmond):

- In Wandering Way #6 (siege scenario), the remaining cards in the locations are added to the upgrade pool.

- This REPLACES the standard WW reward of each player adding a new type of card to the upgrade pool.

I'm not sure how official this is, as these changes would need to be made to the Dragon's Demand sanctioning document.

Also note there's still the separate issue that the Dragon's Demand playbook is missing the statement in WW#6 that the remaining cards are added to the upgrade pool in the standard (non-OP) campaign. This is actual DD errata.

(I'm reposting the decision here, as the general player base only has access to rules decisions in the Paizo forums - not on Discord. If my summary is incorrect, feel free to correct or comment.)

This is official for the Online region only at this time; VOs in other regions may decide to adopt this as well, but I hope we get an FAQ for the DD storybook and errata the sanctioning doc to make it official for everyone. That’s more of a Vic thing however.

Per Hawkmoon on Discord: “The Org Play Online ACS VOs have discussed this. For our region, we are ruling that you can keep the remaining boons to use as the upgrade pool. If we feel that people are abusing this scenario option, we will revisit that.”

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