New Trade / BP rules

Fly Free or Die

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Has anyone used these new rules from the "Galactic Trade" article in part 1 with this AP? What is your experience with these rules? Do they fit with the AP and improve on the usual BP rules?

Starfinder Superscriber
Zaister wrote:
Has anyone used these new rules from the "Galactic Trade" article in part 1 with this AP? What is your experience with these rules? Do they fit with the AP and improve on the usual BP rules?

They seem pretty rad and I'll give them a try. The PCs wanted to use the rules so now they'll have to work for their BPs, but I think it will be a rewarding experience. However, BPs do not convert into credits so the PCs aren't really any richer except for what they can buy with BPs, which are mainly ship upgrade and more ships (Logistics Fleet) to expand their company or amass a large armada. I welcome new currency into SF :) as they expand on the economy.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Just about to start now. I'm wondering how often to inject these, or to simply turn it over to the group. I haven't finished reading the whole AP, so I'm not sure if the adventures have things like "now's a good time for some Trade Downtime" or not.

fyi - the galactic trade rules were further expanded upon in Ports of Call. Its the same method but more options added to each table, etc.

We're about 3 months into the FFoD campaign (just starting book 2) ... so have been trying to clarify how all the rules will work together.

One thing of note, is its all dependent on the destination ... your find cargo check determines a random BUY price and number of lots.

As well as a random roll, to determine a "suggested" destination. This destination impacts the SELL price based on distance (from galactic core?).

Meaning, Absalom station is -2 BP/lot while deliveries to the Vast is +1 BP / lot.

so its a bit "odd" to understand at first ... since the potential profit is not obvious or "fixed", except for the "scripted" missions.

And no mention, of what impact the DRIFT CRISIS might have on trade ... which personally, seems like a great time to get into cargo hauling. (supply and demand would be thru the roof)

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