Keep Coming Back For Info

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Don't know if I missed anything but we are now into 2021 and things are looking slim that they will be moving back to the old normal by May.

Wondering if the powers that be are looking towards another Online PaizoCon this year.

I know we were told if we bought tickets they would be paid forward but I can't find info about that beyond the announcement about what that is looking like too.

Any info floating around? Missed seeing people last year. Guessing it will be virtual this year too :P

Silver Crusade

Yeah, I doubt a live PaizoCon is in the cards for 2021. I am a little surprised there has been no word about an online con yet, although there is still plenty of time.

I dont think many cons will be physically active until the Fall once either two things happen. There is a big push for voluntary vaccinations and a tipping point has been reached or FDA approves the vaccines and its mandated.

I know Gen Con has kept its August dates, but the 2nd largest US con Origins moved its dates to October.

Marketing & Media Manager

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Hello. You have not missed any announcements. When we can speak confidently about PaizoCon will shout it from the rooftops. We are defaulting to digital events until further notice. We are very protective of our staff.

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Any idea if PaizoCon Online 2021 will be the usual dates for PaizoCon? (i.e. around Memorial Day)?

If I'm going to attend the weekday games, I need to put in a vacation request soon...

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Apologize for being a bit of a bother, but I'm starting to reach the end of the window where I can request time by seniority (and with losing a manager at work that's going to become crucial for getting vacation time when I want to take it).

Any status updates?

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Apologize for being a bit of a bother, but I'm starting to reach the end of the window where I can request time by seniority (and with losing a manager at work that's going to become crucial for getting vacation time when I want to take it).

Any status updates?

They've already hinted that its going to be an online Paizocon on memorial day weekend.

Being that it is Washington State you dont have to worry about them changing quarantine mass socializing rules to make it more accommodating. The requirement will remain strict for a long while.

Online or not, I still need the time off from work (just not as much if it is online) to enjoy the convention properly.

The comment was 'around the Memorial Day Weekend'. I can get away with reasonably asking for one week off, but not two.

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Apologize for being a bit of a bother, but I'm starting to reach the end of the window where I can request time by seniority (and with losing a manager at work that's going to become crucial for getting vacation time when I want to take it).

Any status updates?

Only a guess, but I would request the time off for a virtual Con if your window is closing. (& at the usual MemDay weekend). If it does go to an in-person event, it will likely shift to later in the year,* and your window for requesting time off will (hopefully) shift accordingly.

*my reasoning: (Most venues normally need a year or more for reservations of this size. Of course the 'new normal' might throw 'a year or more' off).

I'd have to pick the weekend before Memorial Day, the weekend of Memorial Day, or the weekend after Memorial Day and cluster days around that weekend.

If I pick the wrong time, I'm kinda hosed.

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