"The Lost" blessing - counts itself?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

The text for The Lost reads:

On your check, after the roll, discard to add the number of cards in your discards; you suffer damage as if you had not done so.

Does The Lost count itself after it has been discarded? So if I have 2 cards in discard, and then discard The Lost for its power, it will add 3? Or will it only add 2?

People have been playing both ways, looks like.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

It counts itself.

Rulebook p7 wrote:
When you play cards by performing any other actions, set them aside while you process their effects in the order you set them aside. Usually this means you process them immediately, performing the actions in the order listed on the card. For example, if a card says “Recharge this card to recharge a card from your discards,” recharge the card you’re playing before recharging the card from your discards.

So, you first discard the card, and then you count the number of cards in your discards. Because that's the order listed on the card.

Thanks Skizzerz!
Much appreciated

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