The Inventor lets you make a Fantasy Mandalorian

Inventor Class

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No, seriously, look at the some of the stuff the armor innovation gets you. Increased protection against all kinds of damage, built-in flamethrower (via Explode), and of course a motherkriffing jetpack at level 16. Add a dueling pistol (a martial firearm), a cool helmet, and a badass creed on top of that to finish.

Baby goblin sorcerer companion not included.

My mind went to Iron Man first but I see where you are going...

How would it mesh with free archtype variant? (Which should be the default play method if we are honest)

Would the armor based one (Sentinel) boost this further? I haven't looked into this class or that archetype in detail

Design Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.

This is the Way.

5e already got Iron Man, Pathfinder 2e gets the Mandalorian. Seems legit.

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