What if only one local character?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

In Curse of the Crimson Throne, there is a blessing that, under the "When this is the Hour" section, reads something like, "If you are supposed to suffer a scourge, another local character suffers it instead". I cannot remember if the word "another" is there, or if it is just the word "a". What if you are the only local character? Does no one suffer the scourge, or do you?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Ignore impossible instructions, so you suffer it yourself as normal.

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I believe you are thinking of Lady Despair.

Lady Despair wrote:


On your turn, if you would suffer a scourge, a random local character suffers it instead.

This instruction is not impossible. Instead of it automatically being you, it is randomly selected from the 1 local character at your location: you.

You have to pay attention to how it is phrased. If you are at a location alone, you are the only local character. That means "another local character" is impossible, but "a random local character" or "all local characters" are not impossible.

So, for example, Ratling....

Ratling wrote:
Before acting, another local character summons and encounters this monster.

If you are the only local character, there is not another local character. So no one does the summoning.

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