Why is there so much disdain for pay to play GMs?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Docflem wrote:
...he just posted his threads in the wrong subreddit.

To be clear, that is not at all what upset me.

It was the way I was treated, the general dismissive attitudes, and that--once my LFG listing was put into the correct place--my posting was deleted after the rule change rather than being grandfathered in. (For those unfamiliar with the phrase, that means allowed, since it was made before the rule change.)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Don't forget to check out my Roll20 listing for my upcoming Extinction Curse campaign!
100% guaranteed to be way more fun and far less political than this thread!

If I'm going to be made out as nothing more than a filthy opportunistic capitalist and irredeemable narcissistic troll, then by God I figure I ought to own it. XD

Liberty's Edge

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All this ruckus is why I pointed out that the Flag system exists, so that threads will not devolve into inflamed post battles. But then there is human nature.

I share this nugget of wisdom from How the paladin got his scar (from Order of the stick's beloved O-chul) :

"There are only ever two sides: the one that wants a war and the one that does not."

I wish us all the best :-)

Liberty's Edge

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We have a saying in France : Anger is a bad advisor.

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