Missing shipment

Customer Service


I've sent an email and a follow up about a missing order which hasn't been addressed yet. I have been waiting on the order for several months now # 26935107. I know there can be delays especially with international shipments but I have since received three of my subscription shipments. I was having trouble with this order before in that for some reason the subscriptions weren't processing, this order had all the shipments I missed. Considering I had already had an issue I assume that the shipment somehow didn't process or wasn't sent.

Kind regards.

Customer Service Representative

Hi mrconchobar,

Thank you so much for your patience. After investigating with Mail Innovations, it looks like your package is still en-route to you. International shipping has been unpredictable for some folks, and many customers are reporting that packages have not been arriving according to original estimates provided by the postal service. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you package is returned to us without an attempted delivery, we will notify you and re-ship the package as soon as possible. I apologize for any frustration or inconvenience the delay has caused you.

Please let me know if you have any other questions!

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