New Locales on Golarion and Art

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Dark Archive

Those are some neat pictures!

Wow, what does it say about how hard it must have been in to live in those areas if *every* family in a community was expected to build a tower to protect them from raiders / bandits! No 'let's all gather at the keep for defense!' (And how much more likely would this sort of behavior be in a world where orcs, gnolls, goblins, etc. also exist, and entire *races* of humanoids live by 'wandering raider culture.')

Specific meeting platforms, where a human could address a giant 'face to face' would be neat, and I could see something like the Irespan existing for that specific purpose, a long promenade that exists in a specific area so that giants could walk up alongside and humans could trade with them, face to face, hauling their goods up along the elevated 'highway' and different heights of giants would go to more elevated areas of the sloping 'highway' to meet with human traders 'at their level.'

That would be assuming a culture where human sized folk and giant sized folk actually trade regularly enough for that sort of thing to happen, such as in icebound Irrisen (between Frost Giants and White Witches, back when they ran the place, for instance, although they'd probably just ice an elevated ice-ramp, since it's never gonna thaw...), or Thassilon.

Neat ideas, and fun visuals to inspire them!


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

very, very cool.

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The funny thing about those real world towers is most of them have a barn area, that itself is on the 2nd floor or above... I think they made a ramp from planks to herd animals up into it.

I imagined them fitting Varisia (the historical and heritage of pre-Chelish society seems like it could be fleshed out more, other than weirdo Kaer Maga which doesn't really seem like typical cultural showcase), but the tower/wall/whatever to deal with giants concept could probably work in other areas of Golarion impacted by Giants and their ancient empires.

Anyhow, maybe this can be open thread for anybody else to share world art they can imagine in Golarion somehow?

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