Nickademus42 |

A convention recently happened, so a lot of games just started. I recently joined and it seemed very empty for this reason. There are still a few games that pop up, but you may have to wait until this wave of convention games settles down.
I've considered running a few non-convention games to help fill in this gap, and a few other might also be convinced to do so.
Also, if you are interested in PACS (organized play), I believe they run weekly live online games.

Matsu Kurisu |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Flaxseed recruitment thread
Post in the above thread if you are looking for PbP table
There is also play real time using Table Top Simulator every week:
Happy gaming!

skizzerz |

The play by post cons are the best way to sign up for new tables; we usually have 10+ on offer every con. Outside of con games (which often continue past the con for quite some time), getting into a new table can be tricky. Definitely post in the recruitment thread and join the Organized Play Online discord if you can for the PACS-related channels there. Invite link is on the Flaxseed campaign linked above by Matsu Kurisu