bonebrah |
I saw that this game was pretty cheap, but I don't really know how it works. I see there is an Obsidian edition that adds cards and has "adventure packs" but I don't really know what these mean in the context of the game. Do I get more heroes to choose from? Is it like LOTR adventure CG where I can add on to my currently existing decks or something? Does this play similarly to the live card game (as in, might I be interesting in playing the live card game if I like the videogame or vice versa)?
Sorry. Total noob about this game.

Brother Tyler |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The Pathfinder Adventures game plays like PACG Rise of the Runelords. There are some bugs - sometimes they help you and sometimes they hurt you; but things mostly work the way they should. The game works through the Rise of the Runelords AP, but you can also download a few additional mini-adventures (two for goblins and one for a party that includes Valeros).
You will mostly be limited to the characters found in the Rise of the Runelords AP, along with the gnome fighter Tontelizi from the Fighter CD (DLC) and some goblins (DLC). There are also some additional skins for characters (e.g., fancy versions of the basic characters and goblin versions of them) that you can download; and there are some special boons that aren't available in the PACG.
It's a nice filler when you want to get your PACG fix but can't rustle up anyone else to play with (or don't want to take the time to set up and break down the physical game). If you like PACG RotR, you'll probably enjoy Pathfinder Adventures, and vice versa.
You can find a lot of information at Obsidian's site, link here.

Jack Trowell |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The game is decent, but I really wish they would have implemented to other adventure paths, or at least maintened the quest mode that made random scenarios. Sure those were sometimes too easy of too hard, but they were rather fun and gave a lot of replayability to the game that is now sadly missing.
I would really like if they did a similar adaptation of the new Core Set (including the random scenarios rules form the Dragon Demande adventure) and Curse of the Crimson Throne.