Staff of the Martyr

Homebrew and House Rules

For an upcoming game I was brainstorming fun ideas for a staff for a life oracle I intend on playing.

My front-runner is the Staff of the Martyr, or perhaps the staff of sacrifice. The theme of the staff being primarily healing others by harming yourself or taking their damage. The options I've seen so far are...

Forbidding Ward Cantrip (sacrificing your action for a meager bonus? Lol)
Spirit Link lvls 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10
Shield Other lvl 2
Spiritual Guardian lvls 5/7/9

Any other thoughts for possible spells?

I'm also stumped for a balanced passive effect. The obvious would be to prevent a small amount of damage transfer, but that could be too strong and is explicitly forbidden by the above spells. Thoughts?

On casting Spirit Link or Shield Other (whatever spells it grants that transfer your hitpoints), give you spell level temporary hitpoints. No prevention of issues with the rules text.

QuidEst wrote:
On casting Spirit Link or Shield Other (whatever spells it grants that transfer your hitpoints), give you spell level temporary hitpoints. No prevention of issues with the rules text.

An interesting thought, thank you.

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