Dream May + Fast Recovery

Rules Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Do the rest recovery abilities from these feats stack? On a straight reading they seem to (Dream May reads as replacing the recovery rate, and Fast Recovery doubles it), but even if you feel the same, would you anticipate table variance?

Dream May:

[...] You regain HP equal to your Constitution modifier times double your level instead of just times your level [...]

Fast Recovery:

[...] You regain twice as many Hit Points from resting. [...]

Yes, I would let them stack. As you read Dream May just replaces the normal recovery rate - it does not even double it, the CON modifier still only applies once.
So you now double your new recovery rate.

Dark Archive

Hmm, it's an interesting question. Based on how both abilities are worded it would seem that they should stack. Since they modify different parts of math and in different ways, it doesn't seem like they conflict.

So a 10th level character with a Con Mod of +2 would look like:


(2(20))x2 = 80hp

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'd definitely let them stack; it's not like recovery from resting is a big deal usually with how powerful Treat Wounds is, anyway.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I would let them stack but probably use the multiplying rules (CRB, p. 444). So the example of a 10th level character with a Con Mod of +2 used by Old Man Robot would end up with a recovery rate of 60 hp.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Good catch, Thorn, thanks!

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