Tarpeius |
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Do the rest recovery abilities from these feats stack? On a straight reading they seem to (Dream May reads as replacing the recovery rate, and Fast Recovery doubles it), but even if you feel the same, would you anticipate table variance?
[...] You regain HP equal to your Constitution modifier times double your level instead of just times your level [...]
[...] You regain twice as many Hit Points from resting. [...]
Old_Man_Robot |
Hmm, it's an interesting question. Based on how both abilities are worded it would seem that they should stack. Since they modify different parts of math and in different ways, it doesn't seem like they conflict.
So a 10th level character with a Con Mod of +2 would look like:
(2(20))x2 = 80hp