Is anyone back-converting Pathfinder 2E materials to Pathfinder 1E?

Product Discussion

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So with Pathfinder 2E having been out for a year now, the third-party community for Pathfinder 1E still seems to be kicking. Certainly, a lot of major publishers have shifted their focus to the new edition of the game, but at the same time Pathfinder First Edition hasn't exactly gone the way of the dodo either.

My question is, has any of the Open Game Content released for Pathfinder 2E been back-converted by anyone to Pathfinder 1E? Just the new monsters released in the last twelve adventure path volumes alone seem like an obvious conversion project. Has anyone taken up the challenge of putting these (or similar PF2E-exclusive materials) out for the previous edition of the game?

There was a thread on this in the conversions forum.

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