Cheez |
Hi All,
So we encountered the pesky Collapsing Scaffolding trap in Mummy’s Mask. It has two checks: a four and then a seven check. Our question here is, let’s say we fail the first check (rolled a 1) so we missed it by three...so do we then take 3 damage? She made the second check.
https://paizo.com/image/content/PathfinderACG/PZO6030-CollapsingScaffolding .jpg
Or do we only take damage on per the text on the bottom of the card. I have this memory in my head that traps are like combat monsters, if you miss the check, you take the difference in damage. But maybe we have that wrong.
Thanks in advance for the wisdom +1,
Ben and the gang

Cheez |
Only monsters automatically deal damage when you fail to defeat them, barriers do not. So by rolling a 1 on the first check against Collapsing Scaffolding (basically) guarantees that you won't take damage from it. :)
Ahhh - ok. And then it just gets randomly shuffled back in the deck.perfect.
Really appreciate the speedy reply. :)