Azalin |

Ever since P2E and AoA came out I told my group that I probably was not going to allow other books that release to be used as this AP was not written with those books in mind and wanted to maintain balance.
With the release of APG I'm starting to wonder if I'm being too strict and possibly killing any excitement that they could have for new material knowing I won't allow it. I had told them that after this AP I was going to open it up to everything that had come out up to that point.
We are currently on Book IV and while they are having a tough time with some of the battles, they are having fun. I am beginning to wonder if I should go ahead and lift this restriction to allow everything now.
Part of me likes restricting future content as it forces them to use what they are given and be creative and look forward to eventually using those books, but that is something that is probably a year away.

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PF2 has much tighter math, so this shouldn't be a problem. None of the stuff in post-CRB stuff gets anywhere close to overpowered or an upgrade that sidelines core options.
This isn't quite true.
Drakeheart Mutagen combined with Mountain Stance specifically have an unintended interaction that is too powerful. It's also already at the top of the errata pile (Mark Seifter has specifically stated as much) and a very isolated case, of course, but it seems worth noting.
That one error aside, this is pretty much correct, though.

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These can be a little more powerful, and are supposed to be restricted.
This is not really correct.
Per the folks at Paizo this is not the design intent, and not why things are listed as Uncommon or Rare. In practice, the things that show up in APs (which are almost all listed as Uncommon or Rare) may get a tad less playtesting and so are slightly more likely to have balance issues.
But stuff in something like the APG? Rarity couldn't matter less in determining its power level.
Which is to say, if on the lookout for things like this, examine source rather than Rarity.

Riobux |

Totally understandable considering 1st ed sometimes reacted badly if you brought late-developed classes into earlier developed APs (gunslingers with their touch-AC-to-hit shots spring to mind). However, I do think it becomes a little paranoid, especially so soon since AoA's release (about a year ago?). I would definitely lax up on the restriction, and my general policy of "Paizo-published only, Uncommon or rarer rarity just ask me first" seems to have steered me well.
That said, as you're on book 4 I'm not sure if I would change your direction at this point. It could massively change people's approaches to their build to suddenly get this tidal wave of wonderful wonderful options and lead to rebuilding via retraining or regrets. I'm in a similar puzzle myself, as one or two of my players would like me to toy with the Free Archetype variant (especially as otherwise archetypes wouldn't really see the light of day) but I've just started book 4 of Extinction Curse so it feels a bit late in the campaign to introduce this brand new approach to building characters. So I am leaning towards saying "yes, but in the next AP".
That said, I believe it may depend on how long you think AoA will take you to finish. Waiting three months may be fine for a new approach, but waiting twelve might be arduous.

Kyle L. |

Before the apg came out I allowed my group to get a free archetype feat. Just for more options in their builds. I did this around book 4. I have also given my guys the option to retrain just about anything since this was our first official pf2 adventure. This way they didn't feel like they had to play another rogue for the long haul to make use of the new options that have come out since. I don't feel like this power spiked the group in a bad way. In fact they feel well balanced in the system still.
If you have experienced players, and the new options fit the image of their character more so. I'd say let them do it. At the end of the day its about the story of these player characters in this setting.
We are starting onto book 6 now. Currently I am debating if they do things well in Hermea and don't make a huge mess. I may give my guys the level 20 feats presented as a bonus feat.
We are also playing Hells Vengeance currently. We started the first book in pf1. Took a break after book one. We converted it all over to pf2. Then did book 2. We went on hiatus till the apg came out. This way our tiefling could have actual pf2 rules. Also we went with the free archetype variant. As well most of us rebuilt our characters fully. Our rogue switched to master mind. My ranger with animal companion switched to fighter/beastmaster cause it fit how the character was played out much better.

Bast L. |
Counting AP options, my opinions are:
Broken new stuff (though I've heard they're getting fixed): Monk mountain + drakeheart, Many things + Jalmeri Heavenseeker.
Strictly better: Aasimar/Duskwalker/Tiefling elf instead of cave elf. It's just cave elf, but with more options added on, flavor aside.
Bothers me how good it is: Beast Master (takes a bit away from the druid class, too, since it matches their animal companion levels, as nothing else does, but is better even for the druid, if the druid doesn't need the archetype freedom).
Really nice options: Witch MC for wizard, medic archetype, sudden bolt, godless healing, Ragathiel worship, some other gods, other archetypes.
As long as you avoid the broken, it's not too bad.

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Strictly better: Aasimar/Duskwalker/Tiefling elf instead of cave elf. It's just cave elf, but with more options added on, flavor aside.
This is only better if you want the extra options. I mean, they're extra Feat options, not options in play, so if you want five Elf Feats, there's literally no gain there.