Missing 5th Star, 5th Nova, and 1st Glyph

Customer Service

Sovereign Court

Hi! I am a Org Play GM. Somehow, my 5th star and 5th Nova disappeared. Could I please get them back?

Also, I have GM'd 14 games of PF2, but I only have 2 tables of GM credit.

Could you please take a look?


Sovereign Court

Almost a month and no response...

Sovereign Court

Is this in the wrong forum? Is that why there is no response? Do I need to post elsewhere?


Paizo Employee Organized Play Associate

Hi there,

Thanks for your patience. For the record, there is an excellent thread here on why bumping your own threads is actually not helpful in getting CS to look at an issue!

Now, to your issues:
- I believe I have fixed your stars and novae, you should see five of each now. I think there is still an outstanding issue where they don't always show up when posting, but they're on your profile.
- We currently have an ongoing issue where Quests are counting as 0 GM Credit instead of the 0.25 they should count as. This is on tech's radar and we hope it will be fixed soon! I believe this is the source of your issue, as most of your PF2 GM credits appear to be Quests.


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